At least 12 Great
Northern Diver remain offshore, with 10 in summer plumage, also offshore a
Red-throated Diver, 18 Common Scoter and five Great-crested
Grebe. Elsewhere a Sedge Warbler was at the Main Pond, 102+ Whimbrel
were on site, 12 Dunlin were in the estuary and the Pintail was
on the Main Pond but also visited Langstone Rock and the estuary.
Tuesday, 30 April 2013
Monday, 29 April 2013
Monday 29th April 2013
A good count of 114 Whimbrel were on site,
mostly on the golf course, with other wader counts limited to15 Ringed Plover, six Dunlin,
five Curlew, three Bar-tailed Godwit and two Turnstone, a
single Dark-bellied Brent Goose was also in the estuary. Elsewhere at
least ten Great
Northern Diver remain offshore with four
Little Tern and a Manx Shearwater, whilst a Willow Warbler by the Main
Pond was the only new migrant.
Wildlife News - The first Peacock and Speckled Wood of the year were on the wing.
Wildlife News - The first Peacock and Speckled Wood of the year were on the wing.
Sunday, 28 April 2013
Sunday 28th April 2013
The first
Lesser Whitethroat of the year was on Warren Point but there was
little sign of other passerine migration with three Wheatear present
and 19 Swallow, four Goldfinch, a Chaffinch and a
Meadow Pipit flying through. Offshore there were a minimum of 26 Great
Northern Diver on the sea, mostly in summer plumage, a total of 114
Pale-bellied Brent Geese flew in and up estuary, three
Little Tern were present and 12 Manx Shearwater flew south.
Elsewhere wader counts included 44 Whimbrel, 34 Ringed Plover,
Dunlin, 13 Turnstone, two Bar-tailed Godwit and a Grey
Plover with the Pintail on the Main Pond.

Pintail 26/04/13 © Lee Collins
Saturday, 27 April 2013
Saturday 27th April 2013
The highlight was another harrier, today
though it was the site's fifth record of Montagu's Harrier,
the first since April 1979. The bird, a second calendar year female, was first
seen from Exmouth and flew in off the sea over the seawall, before circling
Langstone and heading off inland. Once again however there was little in the
way of backup migrants although 11 Whitethroat, three Wheatear,
two Sedge and a Willow Warbler were present but just nine
Swallow, two Sand Martin and a late Siskin passed through. Waders counts
included 330 Oystercatcher, 66+ Whimbrel, 56
Dunlin, 26 Ringed Plover, 19 Turnstone, three Sanderling
and three Bar-tailed Godwit.
Elsewhere the Pintail was on the Main Pond and completed another high
tide fly around, and offshore at least seven
Great Northern Diver were present along with 18 Sandwich and a
Little Tern.
Friday, 26 April 2013
Friday 26th April 2013
The highlight was the site's 17th record of
Marsh Harrier, a female type that
drifted over around 8.40am. The same bird had headed north over Berry Head at
7.30 so took over an hour to travel c20miles into the strong northerly
headwind. Other migrants were however very thin on the ground with eight
Swallow, two Swift, a House Martin and a
Yellow Wagtail overhead and 23
Wheatear, mostly in Greenland Lake. Waders were also on the move with 120
Dunlin, 68+ Whimbrel, 17 Turnstone, 11 Ringed Plover,
five Sanderling, four Bar-tailed Godwit and a Grey Plover.
Elsewhere the Pintail was on the Main Pond and offshore four
Little Tern were present and two
Great Northern Diver flew east.
Late news of a Lesser Whitethroat in the Entrance Bushes.

Wheatear 26/04/13 © Lee Collins
Thursday, 25 April 2013
Thursday 25th April 2013
The thick fog hampered viewing early morning
but did produce some migrants with the first
Yellow Wagtail of the year flying over with 70 Swallow and
two House Martin but just five Wheatear on the deck. Offshore
50+ Pale-bellied Brent Geese flew west with 31 Common Scoter, 17
Sandwich, seven Little and
four Common Tern also present. Elsewhere 48+ Whimbrel, 45
Dunlin, 24 Ringed Plover, 15 Curlew, three Grey Plover,
two Dark-bellied Brent Geese, two Sanderling, a first summer
Mediterranean Gull and a Redshank
were in the estuary and the Pintail was still present.
Wednesday, 24 April 2013
Wednesday 24th April 2013
Two Sedge Warbler were around the Buffer Zone with
24+ Wheatear, three
Whitethroat and single Willow and Reed Warbler.
Elsewhere two Brent Geese, 12 Whimbrel, 10 Sandwich Tern,
three Ringed and two Grey Plover were in the estuary, 13
Common Scoter and five Great-crested Grebe were offshore and the Pintail
was on the Main Pond although did a circuit of the lower estuary mid evening
before returning.
Tuesday, 23 April 2013
Tuesday 23rd April 2013
The first Sedge Warbler of the year
of the year was reported along with a good count of 68 Whimbrel.
Monday, 22 April 2013
Monday 22nd April 2013
News was limited to three Wheatear in Greenland Lake
with two Sand and a single House Martin passing through. Elsewhere
14 Whimbrel were in the estuary and the Pintail remains on the
Sunday, 21 April 2013
Sunday 21st April 2013
The first Dartford Warbler and three
Eider of the
year were reported with other migrants including nine Wheatear, eight
Pale-bellied Brent Geese, five Whitethroat, four Whimbrel,
four Reed Warbler, three Willow Warbler and a Jay.
Saturday, 20 April 2013
Saturday 20th April 2013
The first Manx Shearwater of the year
was offshore in the evening with two Red-throated Diver also offshore,
a Great Skua however was not offshore flying high inland early morning.
Elsewhere 32 Sandwich Tern, 18+ Whimbrel, four Brent Geese,
two Dunlin and a Ringed Plover were in the estuary and migrants
included six Willow Warbler and five Wheatear with 12 Swallow,
two Sand Martin and single House Martin and Swift were
Friday, 19 April 2013
Friday 19th April 2013
Long-eared Owl was in the Spinney on the Golf Course early evening,
the 12th site record but only the second in spring. Other migrants include the
first two Reed Warbler of the year at the Main Pond, three
Whitethroat, three Wheatear and a couple of Willow Warbler.
Elsewhere a Red-throated Diver and 11 Sandwich Tern were
offshore, the Pintail on the Main Pond and 17+ Whimbrel, 17
Dunlin and three Ringed Plover were in the estuary.
Thursday, 18 April 2013
Thursday 18th April 2013
Offshore there were single
Black-throated and
Red-throated Diver, five Great-crested Grebe, 15 Sandwich
and an Arctic Tern. Elsewhere 48+
Whimbrel headed north during the day, other migrants included a
Whitethroat, three Swift, three Wheatear and a single
Willow Warbler, with the Pintail on the Main Pond and three
Dark-bellied Brent Geese in the estuary.
Wednesday, 17 April 2013
Wednesday 17th April 2013
Offshore a summer plumaged Great Northern and
Red-throated Diver were present with an Arctic Skua south and a first summer Mediterranean Gull
lingering off the seawall. Elsewhere 31 Sandwich Tern and nine
Redshank were in the estuary, eight Swallow flew north but there was
otherwise a disappointing lack of migrants.
Tuesday, 16 April 2013
Tuesday 16th April 2013
Two early Swift the first of the year
flew through during the morning with a
Firecrest in the Back Meadow, two Whitethroat on the Point, 12 Wheatear,
Swallow, six Willow Warbler and two Blackcap the other
grounded migrants. Elsewhere six Jay
flew east, three Little
Tern, five Pale-bellied Brent Geese and an
Osprey were in the estuary with 30+
Whimbrel and the
Pintail was on the Main Pond.
Monday, 15 April 2013
Monday 15th April 2013
A late
Redwing was by the Main Pond with other migrants including the
first two Whitethroat of the year, 45
Swallow, 25 Wheatear, three Willow Warbler, two Siskin and single
Sand and House Martin. Two Little
Tern were in the estuary with 12 Teal, eight Sandwich
Tern, six Whimbrel, five Brent Geese, two Sanderling,
a Grey Plover and a single fly over Dunlin. Elsewhere the
Pintail and a Greylag Goose were on the Main Pond and four
Tufted Duck (three males) were offshore.

Greylag Goose 15/04/13 © Lee Collins
Sunday, 14 April 2013
Sunday 14th April 2013
Arctic Skua, the first of the year, flew distantly south
early morning with the year's first Arctic
Tern off the seawall later on, also offshore a
Black-throated and two
Red-throated Diver, 50+ Common Scoter and four Gadwall.
Waders were also on the move with flocks of c70 Bar-tailed and nine
Black-tailed Godwit moving through along with at least 10 Whimbrel,
other counts from the estuary included 16 Knot, 15 Brent Geese,
six Ringed Plover, two Dunlin, two Grey Plover. The
Slavonian Grebe was again back off Cockwood now in summer plumage and 30+
Sandwich Tern were present along with single Common and
Little Tern. Elsewhere migrants included a male
Redstart in Dead Dolphin Wood, 25+
Swallow, at least 20 Wheatear, a Blackcap and a Willow
Saturday, 13 April 2013
Saturday 13th April 2013
The first
Little Tern of the year was in front of the hide late morning with
three Common and 24 Sandwich Tern, also in the estuary eight Whimbrel with 37
Turnstone, 16 Ringed Plover, 15 Knot, nine Brent Geese,
four Dunlin, two Sanderling and a Grey Plover. Other
migrants were thin on the ground with six Chiffchaff, five Wheatear, four Swallow,
a White Wagtail and a single House
Friday, 12 April 2013
Friday 12th April 2013
Another small fall with 11+ Willow
Warbler, 10 Swallow, five Chiffchaff, the first two House
Martin of the year and a Wheatear on site. Counts from the estuary
included 445 Oystercatcher, 22 Shelduck, 20 Grey Plover,
14 Knot, 11 Sanderling, 11 Brent Geese, two Whimbrel,
two Ringed Plover and just one Dunlin. Elsewhere offshore there
15+ Sandwich and two Common Tern and the Pintail was on the Main Pond.
Two colour ringed Shelduck were present - both from the Axe Estuary,
east Devon. JB was originally rung on 08/01/12 and first seen on the Warren on
23/03/13, the first record for over a year. Details are still awaited for TP.

Shelduck 12/04/13 © Lee Collins

Shelduck 12/04/13 © Dave Jewell
Thursday, 11 April 2013
Thursday 11th April 2013
The first
Firecrest of the year was the standout migrant with 12+
Chiffchaff , four Wheatear, three Swallow, at least three
Willow Warbler and a Sand Martin also arriving. Elsewhere 53
Dark-bellied Brent Geese, 41 Dunlin, 20 Grey Plover,
19 Knot, 16 Red-breasted Merganser, 10 Sandwich Tern and
four Whimbrel were in the estuary, a Slavonian
Grebe was offshore, a Redpoll flew through and an
Osprey flew south around 9.30am.
Wildlife News - A Stoat showed well in the Back Meadow unsuccessfully hunting Rabbit and Moorhen. Despite some signs of spring still no reports of the Sand Crocus or any more butterflies.
Wildlife News - A Stoat showed well in the Back Meadow unsuccessfully hunting Rabbit and Moorhen. Despite some signs of spring still no reports of the Sand Crocus or any more butterflies.
Wednesday, 10 April 2013
Wednesday 10th April 2013
Counts from the estuary included 70
Curlew, 62 Dunlin, 57
Dark-bellied Brent Geese, 25 Redshank, 19 Grey Plover, 12
Sanderling, 10 Sandwich Tern, eight Knot, seven Ringed
Plover, an increase to seven
Whimbrel and five Teal. Elsewhere a Slavonian and five
Great-crested Grebe were offshore, three Swallow and two Siskin
were overhead and the drake Pintail remained on the Main Pond.
Tuesday, 9 April 2013
Tuesday 9th April 2013
The change in weather brought a change in
the birds with a long anticipated fall. A smart male
Redstart on the Golf Course provided
some much needed colour with 20+ Chiffchaff, eight Goldcrest, at
last two Willow Warbler, the first of the year, a Blackcap and a Wheatear.
The first Jay of the year was in
the Cuckoo's Nest but had probably not migrated so far to arrive on site.
Offshore the first Common Tern of the year was present with 26+
Common Scoter, 15+ Sandwich Tern, 13 Shoveler and two
Tufted Duck. Elsewhere at least two
Whimbrel were in the estuary with a Pale-bellied and 30+
Dark-bellied Brent Geese, whilst the drake Pintail remained on the Main Pond.
Monday, 8 April 2013
Monday 8th April 2013
Another virtually migrantless day with two
Chiffchaff and a Wheatear surviving in the cold miserable
conditions. Some species did arrive though with a Whimbrel and 56+
Sandwich Tern in the estuary, also there 94 Dunlin, 51 Brent Geese,
34 Knot, 21 Grey Plover, 10 Sanderling, seven Bar-tailed Godwit
and four Ringed Plover. Elsewhere the
drake Pintail and a Water Rail remain on the Main Pond.

Pintail 06/04/13 © Lee Collins
Sunday, 7 April 2013
Sunday 7th April 2013
Counts from the estuary continue to dwindle
with 120 Dunlin, 97 Curlew, 39 Brent Geese, 33 Knot,
nine Ringed Plover, seven Bar-tailed Godwit, six Grey Plover,
four Teal and two Wigeon over the high tide, also
present 14 Sandwich Tern including one (White EDZ) that was ringed as
an adult on the Ythan Estuary, Aberdeenshire in August 2010. Thanks to Ewan
Weston of the
Grampian Ringing Group for the prompt
information. Elsewhere the
drake Pintail remains on the Main Pond, just four Chiffchaff and
three Wheatear
were on site and six Red-throated Diver headed south offshore with one
on the sea.
Saturday, 6 April 2013
Saturday 6th April 2013
A female
Redstart was along the Back Path with at least four Wheatear
and 10 Chiffchaff on site. Brent Geese were on the move with
120+ passing through during the day, in the estuary there were c40 Sandwich
Tern, 31 Redshank, 14 Teal, seven Sanderling, two
Wigeon, two Grey Plover and a Greenshank. Elsewhere
120+ Chaffinch flew NE early morning, a
drake Pintail was only the second record from the Main Pond, an
Osprey was over Shutterton Creek and
a Stone Curlew in flight over the Golf
Course around 5pm.
Friday, 5 April 2013
Friday 5th April 2013
The first
Redstart of the year was part of a small arrival of migrants
including eight Chiffchaff and two Wheatear. Elsewhere 55 Brent Geese,
12 Redshank and a Greenshank were in the estuary with
three Tufted Duck and 20 Sandwich Tern offshore.
Thursday, 4 April 2013
Thursday 4th April 2013
The first
Swallow of the year flew through, whilst a
Greenshank remains in the estuary with 80+ Brent Geese and a
Great-crested Grebe. Elsewhere 14 Sandwich Tern and four Common
Scoter were offshore.
Wednesday, 3 April 2013
Wednesday 3rd April 2013
smart full summer plumaged Scandinavian (littoralis) Rock Pipit
was feeding on the flooded area around the Entrance Bushes late afternoon.
Elsewhere 140+ Brent Geese and a dozen Sandwich Tern were in the
estuary, but there was no news either way on the Hoopoe.
Tuesday, 2 April 2013
Tuesday 2nd April 2013
Hoopoe remains on Warren Point but was again very elusive. Other
grounded migrants were limited to seven Chiffchaff, six Wheatear
and a Blackcap, but the second Osprey
of the year headed north midmorning. Elsewhere 238 Brent Geese, 13
Redshank, 13 Teal, five Wigeon and a Greenshank were
in the estuary.

Chiffchaff 02/04/13 ©
Simon Thurgood

Sandwich Tern 02/04/13 ©
Simon Thurgood
Wildlife News - The Common Seal was again on Bull Hill and the Sand Crocus remains conspicuous by its absence.
Wildlife News - The Common Seal was again on Bull Hill and the Sand Crocus remains conspicuous by its absence.
Monday, 1 April 2013
Monday 1st April 2013
An unexpected arrival considering the
continuing cold and blasting easterly wind was the site's 16th record of
Hoopoe, the earliest ever and the first since 2004.
It was on Warren Point but unfortunately proved very flighty and elusive. Other
migrants included the first Black Redstart
of the year around the shore of the Bight, 13+ Wheatear and eight
Chiffchaff, with 75+ Meadow Pipit overhead. Elsewhere the first
Yellow-legged Gull of the year headed
NE with 143 Lesser Black-backed and 80+ Great Back-backed Gull,
a Red-throated Diver and 12 Sandwich Tern were offshore and counts from
the estuary included 205 Dunlin, 170 Brent Geese, 130 Curlew,
74 Grey Plover, 47
Knot, 27 Sanderling, 18 Teal and five Wigeon.
Hoopoe 01/04/13 ©
Wildlife News - A Small Tortoiseshell on the wing was the long awaited first butterfly of the year.
Wildlife News - A Small Tortoiseshell on the wing was the long awaited first butterfly of the year.
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