Knot - Luke Harman
Wednesday, 31 August 2016
Wednesday 31st August
Single Curlew Sandpiper and Little Stint were still in the Bight along with 401 Dunlin, 100+ Ringed Plover, 35+ Knot and 12 Sanderling. Also in the estuary off Cockwood the Slavonian Grebe, 130+ Redshank, two Greenshank and a Common Sandpiper. A Spotted Redshank was also reported from here but it is not known if it was inside the recording area boundary, if so it would be the first of the year. Elsewhere four Grey Wagtail were overhead, two Wheatear were on site and the Coal Tit was still present.
Tuesday, 30 August 2016
Tuesday 30th August
The Wryneck remains on Warren Point, being seen in flight early evening, new migrants were thin on the ground with a Reed Warbler on the Point and just a single Wheatear. Three Curlew Sandpiper and two Little Stint were in the Bight amongst hundreds of Dunlin and Ringed Plover, 25+ Sanderling and several Knot, including a very tame juvenile. Elsewhere two juvenile Little Gull flew down river and settled offshore, a Jay was briefly on Langstone Rock and the Slavonian Grebe was in the estuary.
Little Stint - Simon Thurgood
Knot - Luke Harman
Curlew Sandpiper - Simon Thurgood

Monday, 29 August 2016
Monday 29th August
The Wryneck remains on Warren Point but was very elusive most of the day, also on the Point a Redstart and a Whinchat with other migrants including two Spotted Flycatcher, five Wheatear, two Willow and a Sedge Warbler. In the estuary a Ruff was on the Railway Saltmarsh with 231 Redshank and two Greenshank with three Little Stint and two Curlew Sandpiper were in the Bight with 363 Dunlin, 206 Ringed Plover, 28 Knot and 12 Black-tailed Godwit. Also present eight Wigeon, just 20 Sandwich Tern, two Mediterranean Gull and the Slavonian Grebe. Elsewhere a Water Rail was at the Main Pond, a Coal Tit was mobile around the Entrance Bushes and a low tide count saw 1557 Herring Gull around the Warren.
Sunday, 28 August 2016
Sunday 28th August
Seawatching this morning saw three Balearic Shearwater head south along with 85 Gannet, an adult Little Gull and only the second Roseate Tern of the autumn. In the estuary there were three juvenile Little Stint and two Curlew Sandpiper, with counts including 444 Curlew, 293 Dunlin, 242 Ringed Plover, 242 Redshank, 144 Great Black-backed Gull, 48 Sandwich Tern, 22 Sanderling, 13 Knot, seven Bar and six Black-tailed Godwit, four Mediterranean Gull, three Whimbrel, two Greenshank, the first two Teal of the autumn and the Slavonian Grebe. Elsewhere migrants were limited to single Wheatear and Willow Warbler on the deck and four Sand Martin and a Grey Wagtail overhead.
Saturday, 27 August 2016
Saturday 27th August
The Wryneck remained on Warren Point where it was joined by the first Whinchat of the year. Other grounded migrants included single Sedge and Willow Warbler, two Wheatear and a Coal Tit with three Tree Pipit, two Yellow and a Grey Wagtail overhead.
In the estuary waders included two Little Stint and a Curlew Sandpiper were in the Bight, picked out amongst 378 Dunlin, 188 Ringed Plover, 14 Sanderling and 14 Knot, whilst on the Railway Saltmarsh there were 431 Curlew, 223 Redshank, three Bar-tailed Godwit, two Whimbrel and a Greenshank. Also from the hide 1051 Oystercatcher, 99 Great Black-backed Gull, 48 Sandwich Tern, three Mediterranean Gull, two Kingfisher, a Common Sandpiper and the Slavonian Grebe.
Wildlife News: Great Green Bush-cricket remain in good 'voice' around the remaining scrubby areas of the site.
Wryneck - both Luke Harman
In the estuary waders included two Little Stint and a Curlew Sandpiper were in the Bight, picked out amongst 378 Dunlin, 188 Ringed Plover, 14 Sanderling and 14 Knot, whilst on the Railway Saltmarsh there were 431 Curlew, 223 Redshank, three Bar-tailed Godwit, two Whimbrel and a Greenshank. Also from the hide 1051 Oystercatcher, 99 Great Black-backed Gull, 48 Sandwich Tern, three Mediterranean Gull, two Kingfisher, a Common Sandpiper and the Slavonian Grebe.
Curlew Sandpiper - Luke Harman
Great Green Bush-cricket - Luke Harman
Friday, 26 August 2016
Friday 26th August
The Wryneck was still on Warren Point, in the same area as previously, perhaps yesterday's was a second bird? Other migrants included four Wheatear on the golf course and a Spotted Flycatcher along the Back Path. In the Bight there were two Little Stint and a Curlew Sandpiper amongst 249 Dunlin, 122 Ringed Plover, 15 Sanderling and 10 Knot. Also around the Bight 487 Curlew and 11 Bar-tailed Godwit flushed from the Railway Saltmarsh, 85 Sandwich and three Common Tern, 86 Great Black-backed and an adult Mediterranean Gull.
Thursday, 25 August 2016
Thursday 25th August
In the estuary a Curlew Sandpiper and the first Snipe of the autumn were in the Bight with 279 Dunlin and 127 Ringed Plover, two Greenshank and the Slavonian Grebe were off Cockwood. Elsewhere a Garden Warbler was by the First Pond and there was late news of a Wryneck along the Back Path.
Wednesday, 24 August 2016
Wednesday 24th August
No sign of the Wryneck but three Wheatear were on Warren Point. Elsewhere the first Ruff of the year was in the Bight, the Little Stint was with 420 Dunlin, 95 Ringed Plover, 16 Sanderling and a Knot.
Knot and Carrion Crow - Simon Thurgood
This juvenile Knot was predated by a Carrion Crow in front of he hide, showing it is not just feeding Oystercatcher that are targeted by this species.
Tuesday, 23 August 2016
Tuesday 23rd August
The Wryneck was still on Warren Point and the Little Stint and at least one juvenile Curlew Sandpiper remained in the estuary but no other news was received.
Monday, 22 August 2016
Monday 22nd August
A Wryneck on Warren Point was the highlight, present all day it was however very elusive at times; two Wheatear and two Willow Warbler were the only other migrants. Elsewhere the first juvenile Little Stint was in the Bight with 286+ Ringed Plover, 235+ Dunlin, 24 Sanderling and a Curlew Sandpiper and a Storm Petrel was off the seawall.
Sunday, 21 August 2016
Sunday 21st August
Counts from the Bight included a single juvenile Curlew Sandpiper amongst 289 Ringed Plover, 171 Dunlin, 22 Sanderling and four Knot. Also in the estuary 163 Redshank, 15 Whimbrel, six Mediterranean Gull, five Wigeon, four Common Sandpiper, three Bar and Black-tailed Godwit, three Greenshank, a juvenile Yellow-legged Gull and the Slavonian Grebe. Elsewhere passerine migrants were limited to two Wheatear and a Willow Warbler and it was quieter offshore with a single Pomarine Skua, c100 Sandwich Tern and 10 Manx Shearwater.
Canadian Ringed Plover
Ringing News: A Ringed Plover present in the Bight on 19-20th August was ringed as an adult near Dufour Point, Bylot Island, Nunavut, Canada on 8th July 2016. This is only the 3rd UK recovery of a Canadian Ringed Plover, the others were from Ferrybridge, Dorset and St Kilda.
The bird was also fitted with a datalogger to study the transatlantic migration of Ringed Plovers between the Canadian Arctic and Africa. The first results from other dataloggers indicates that on their way south the plovers make a stop in southwestern Greenland. Then, they cross the Atlantic Ocean in about 2-3 days before reaching Western Europe (usually Western UK/Ireland or France). The wintering grounds are in Western Africa (Mauritania, Senegal, Guinea, etc.). The way back to the breeding ground is similar, usually with a prolonged stay in UK/Ireland. Thanks to Don-Jean Léandri-Breton for this information.
Ringed Plover - Lee Collins
The bird was also fitted with a datalogger to study the transatlantic migration of Ringed Plovers between the Canadian Arctic and Africa. The first results from other dataloggers indicates that on their way south the plovers make a stop in southwestern Greenland. Then, they cross the Atlantic Ocean in about 2-3 days before reaching Western Europe (usually Western UK/Ireland or France). The wintering grounds are in Western Africa (Mauritania, Senegal, Guinea, etc.). The way back to the breeding ground is similar, usually with a prolonged stay in UK/Ireland. Thanks to Don-Jean Léandri-Breton for this information.
Dufour River, Bylot Island
Base camp, Dufour River, Bylot Island
Canadian Ringed Plover, its actual nest
Saturday, 20 August 2016
Saturday 20th August
The strong winds delivered the highlight of the day, the recording area's second ever Cory's Shearwater which flew south just before 7am. The only previous record was in July 2008. Other counts from seawatching before 10am included 12 Balearic Shearwater, 329 Gannet, 240+ Sandwich Tern, 110 Kittiwake, c50 Manx Shearwater, 28 Fulmar, nine Common Tern, three Black-tailed Godwit and a Great Skua. Also offshore during the day a further seven Balearic Shearwater, two Arctic Skua and two Arctic Tern.
Further highlights came from the estuary with a moulting adult Bonaparte's Gull briefly in the Bight early afternoon, presumably the returning individual, and an equally brief Wood Sandpiper on the evening tide. Counts from the estuary included two juvenile Curlew Sandpiper, 484 Curlew, 328 Dunlin, 218+ Ringed Plover, 198 Redshank, 46 Turnstone, 30 Sanderling, 17 Whimbrel, six Mediterranean Gull, three Wigeon, three Greenshank, two Knot, a summer plumaged Grey Plover, a juvenile Yellow-legged Gull and the Slavonian Grebe. Elsewhere a Kingfisher was on the Main Pond, three Cirl Bunting were along the Back Path and a joint site record count of 15 Feral Pigeon were on Langstone Rock.
Bonaparte's Gull - Lee Collins
Further highlights came from the estuary with a moulting adult Bonaparte's Gull briefly in the Bight early afternoon, presumably the returning individual, and an equally brief Wood Sandpiper on the evening tide. Counts from the estuary included two juvenile Curlew Sandpiper, 484 Curlew, 328 Dunlin, 218+ Ringed Plover, 198 Redshank, 46 Turnstone, 30 Sanderling, 17 Whimbrel, six Mediterranean Gull, three Wigeon, three Greenshank, two Knot, a summer plumaged Grey Plover, a juvenile Yellow-legged Gull and the Slavonian Grebe. Elsewhere a Kingfisher was on the Main Pond, three Cirl Bunting were along the Back Path and a joint site record count of 15 Feral Pigeon were on Langstone Rock.
Friday, 19 August 2016
Friday 19th August
Waders included the first two Curlew Sandpiper of the year, both juveniles, 1306 Oystercatcher, 282 Ringed Plover, 193 Redshank, 178 Dunlin, six Turnstone, five Bar-tailed Godwit, five Whimbrel, two Greenshank, two Knot and a Grey Plover. Also in the estuary eight Wigeon, the Slavonian Grebe, nine Mediterranean Gull, 85 Sandwich and 18 Common Tern. Elsewhere a Balearic Shearwater, two Arctic and a Pomarine Skua flew south.
Curlew Sandpiper - Alan Keatley
Thursday, 18 August 2016
Thursday 18th August
A cream-crown Marsh Harrier flew east just before 8am, later being seen along the coast at Sidmouth, was the second of the year but the other site scarcity to fly over was making it's first appearance of the year, a Green Sandpiper circled the Bight and headed north an hour later. Other records included the first two Wigeon and Teal of the autumn, 246+ Ringed Plover, 144 Dunlin, 24 Sanderling, 17 Knot, four Greenshank, three Black and two Bar-tailed Godwit, three Turnstone, a Common Sandpiper and the first Grey Plover for several weeks.
Wednesday, 17 August 2016
Wednesday 17th August
Ringed Plover numbers continue to build with 302 counted over high tide, also present 113 Redshank, 112 Dunlin, 14 Sanderling, 10 Bar-tailed Godwit, five Whimbrel, three Greenshank, two Knot and a Common Sandpiper. Other records include the Slavonian Grebe in the estuary, two Stock Dove in the Railway saltmarsh and a Wheatear in Greenland Lake.
Wildlife News: A Painted Lady was in Greenland Lake, several Common Blue were around flowering Heather in the Back Meadow and a Southern Hawker was on Warren Point.
Wildlife News: A Painted Lady was in Greenland Lake, several Common Blue were around flowering Heather in the Back Meadow and a Southern Hawker was on Warren Point.
Painted Lady - Alan Keatley
Monday, 15 August 2016
Monday 15th August
Wader counts included 332 Curlew, 202 Redshank, 142 Ringed Plover, 34 Dunlin, six Whimbrel, four Bar and a Black-tailed Godwit, three Greenshank and a Knot. Also in the estuary the Slavonian Grebe. Evening reports included two Balearic Shearwater and an Arctic Skua south offshore.
Sunday, 14 August 2016
Sunday 14th August
Counts from the estuary included 92 Ringed Plover, 38 Dunlin, 13 Sanderling, four Common Tern and a Greenshank. Elsewhere migrants included a Wheatear, 10 Whitethroat, a Sedge and four Willow Warbler, a Kingfisher in Shutterton Creek and offshore 17 Common Scoter and two Razorbill.
Wildlife News: Migrants included several Painted Lady, Red Admiral and Silver Y with a Golden-ringed Dragonfly a scarce Warren visitor.
Wildlife News: Migrants included several Painted Lady, Red Admiral and Silver Y with a Golden-ringed Dragonfly a scarce Warren visitor.
Saturday, 13 August 2016
Saturday 13th August
Counts from the estuary included 218 Sandwich and 11 Common Tern, 11+ Mediterranean Gull and the Slavonian Grebe. Waders included 107 Redshank, 58 Ringed Plover, 32 Dunlin, 12 Sanderling, five Greenshank, three Black and two Bar-tailed Godwit, two Whimbrel and a Knot. Elsewhere three Willow Warbler were on site and a Grey Wagtail was overhead.
Tuesday, 9 August 2016
Tuesday 9th August
A small fall of migrants included the first Lesser Whitethroat of the autumn along the Back Path with five Willow and two Sedge Warbler. In the estuary there 391 Curlew, 101+ Ringed Plover and 57 Dunlin with 100+ Sandwich and two Common Tern.
Sunday, 7 August 2016
Sunday 7th August
Two Little Ringed Plover remained in the Bight with 95 Ringed Plover and 72 Dunlin with 40 Sanderling on the beach. Other wader counts included 1013 Oystercatcher, 381 Curlew, 154 Redshank, 15 Whimbrel, six Greenshank, two Common Sandpiper, three Bar and a Black-tailed Godwit. Also in the estuary 156 Sandwich Tern, nine Mediterranean Gull and seven Common Tern. Elsewhere 70 Swallow, 19 Swift and a House Martin flew through and two Shoveler were offshore.
Saturday, 6 August 2016
Saturday 6th August
Two juvenile Little Ringed Plover were the pick of the waders in the Bight amongst 137 Ringed Plover, 96 Dunlin, 35 Sanderling and 16 Turnstone. Also in the estuary 533 Curlew, 238 Sandwich Tern, 167 Redshank, 16 Whimbrel, nine Common Tern, six Greenshank, two Mediterranean Gull, a Bar-tailed Godwit and the Slavonian Grebe. Elsewhere four Willow Warbler and a Wheatear were the only passerine migrants and a Kingfisher was on Finger Point.
Wildlife News: A female Pantaloon Bee Dasypoda hirtipes was a new species for the recording area today with other hymenoptera on the wing including Little Flower-bee Anthophora bimaculata and Silvery Leaf-cutter Megachile leachella. Plenty of common butterflies on the wing in the hot weather including a few Red Admiral, a couple of Peacock and a single Painted Lady around the Buddleia on Warren Point. Fewer dragonflies noted with only five Common Darter and a male Southern Hawker.
Little Ringed Plover - Dave Jewell
Wildlife News: A female Pantaloon Bee Dasypoda hirtipes was a new species for the recording area today with other hymenoptera on the wing including Little Flower-bee Anthophora bimaculata and Silvery Leaf-cutter Megachile leachella. Plenty of common butterflies on the wing in the hot weather including a few Red Admiral, a couple of Peacock and a single Painted Lady around the Buddleia on Warren Point. Fewer dragonflies noted with only five Common Darter and a male Southern Hawker.
Common Darter - Alan Keatley
Red Admiral - Alan Keatley
Friday, 5 August 2016
Friday 5th August
A Storm Petrel feeding off John's Watch was an overdue first for the year. Another NFY was in the Bight with a single Little Stint amongst 112 Ringed Plover & 105 Dunlin. Other wader counts included 480 Curlew, 193 Redshank, 37 Sanderling, nine Common Sandpiper and six Greenshank. Elsewhere passerine migrants included three Wheatear, 14 Willow, three Sedge and a Garden Warbler.
Thursday, 4 August 2016
Thursday 4th August
Counts from the estuary included 726 Oystercatcher, 190 Redshank, 83 Dunlin, 51 Ringed Plover, 42 Sanderling, 10 Whimbrel, eight Greenshank, just 15 Sandwich Tern, six Mediterranean Gull and the Slavonian Grebe.
Wednesday, 3 August 2016
Wednesday 3rd August
The first Roseate Tern off the autumn was found early morning off John's Watch feeding within a small Common Tern flock. Also offshore a brief Arctic Tern, with a distant Balearic Shearwater & Pomarine Skua south. Later on the Roseate and a Little Tern were in the estuary and a Shoveler was in Bight.
Roseate & Sandwich Tern
Tuesday, 2 August 2016
Tuesday 2nd August
At least 200 Dunlin & 121 Ringed Plover were in Bight with 76 Sanderling on beach on the morning tide, with a Little Tern on Finger Point, then later offshore. In the evening two Arctic Tern came in off the sea & headed upriver.
Sandwich Tern - Simon Thurgood
Whimbrel - Simon Thurgood
Monday, 1 August 2016
Monday 1st August
The morning high tide saw three Knot and two Black-tailed Godwit in the Bight with the Dunlin and Ringed Plover, with c.45 Sanderling on the Beach. Similar numbers were present on the evening tide with nine Common and a Little Tern.
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