A welcome, if small, increase in migrants with the first Garden Warbler of the year, at least 10 Whitethroat on site and 47 Swallow and a House Martin through. Elsewhere at least 55 Whimbrel were on site and a Red-throated Diver remains offshore with just seven Sandwich Tern.
Wildlife News: Several Fork-jawed Nomad Bee Nomada ruficornis were seen with their host Orange-tailed Mining Bee Andrena haemorrhoa, a new species for the Recording Area. Also new the sawfly Marcophya duodecimpunctata.

Fork-jawed Nomad Bee Nomada ruficornis - Alan Keatley
Orange-tailed Mining Bee Andrena haemorrhoa - Alan Keatley
Marcophya duodecimpunctata, a sawfly - Alan Keatley
Southern Cuckoo Bumblebee Bombus vestalis - Alan Keatley