Counts from the late afternoon tide included 680 Dunlin, 82 Dark-bellied Brent Geese, 32 Turnstone, 26 Grey Plover, 15 Knot, 10 Sanderling, 10 Wigeon, five Red-breasted Merganser, three Greenshank, a Bar-tailed Godwit and a Kingfisher.
Kingfisher - Kevin Rylands |
Elsewhere two Great Northern Diver were offshore, a Firecrest was by the Main Pond and a Tawny Owl called from the Golf Course.
Year list addition:
107. Tawny Owl
Other Wildlife: There sunshine brought out a few more insects with an early Early Bumblebee Bombus praetorum in Skipper Meadow.
Early Bumblebee Bombus praetorum - Alan Keatley |
On the Alexanders were plenty of Common Dronefly Eristalis tenax and a few Marmalade Hoverfly Episyrphus balteatus and Hairy-eyed Syrphus S. torvus. Other flies included Phaonia subventa and Feverfly Dilophus febrilis.
Hairy-eyed Syrphus S. torvus - Alan Keatley |
Several beetles were blown on to the beach in the breezy south west wind. These included a few Grooved Water Scavenger Beetle Helophorus brevipalpis, the ground beetle Amara aenea and under driftwood the water beetle Hydroporus planus.
Hydroporus planus - Alan Keatley |
Grooved Water Scavenger Beetle Helophorus brevipalpis - Alan Keatley |
Another water beetle, Colymbetes fuscus, was recorded to light, along with a single Hebrew Character.