The Bonaparte's Gull made a couple of brief reapperances off the seawall during the morning, also offshore a Velvet Scoter on the sea and heading south 37 Red-throated and six Great Northern Diver along with eight others that were too distant to identify. Counts from the estuary included 209 Wigeon, 193 Grey Plover, 145 Redshank. 82 Curlew, 74 Shelduck, 34 Knot, 27 Ringed Plover, 12 Bar-tailed Godwit, 11 Sanderling, a Greenshank and the Slavonian Grebe. Elsewhere at least 17 Siskin were with Goldfinch in the Entrance Bushes and four Little Grebe were displaying on the Main Pond.
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