In the estuary, 76 Dunlin, 66 Ringed Plover, 28 Sanderling, just 23 Oystercatcher, eight Great Black-backed Gull, five Cormorant, of four Mute Swan, two Shelduck and a Little Egret.
On the Main Pond, two independent first brood Little Grebe and three tiny chicks calling from the emergent Mare's-tail were from another brood; a pair of Canada Goose shepherded their five goslings, three female Mallard shared maternal instincts leading three ducklings through the reeds. A Grey Heron watched on with interest. A day-or-so-old Moorhen chick calling loudly from its perch on a part submerged log was relatively safe in advertising its location on the enclosed Entrance Pond. Reed Warbler have been heard singing from four ponds on site recently.

Reed Warbler singing on Dune Pond - Lee Collins
Two Swift and two House Martin passed overhead. Four Jackdaw continued their regular commutes from fixed dune grassland areas with food to nests on the mainland. Two mobile Stonechat fledglings from the 'boardwalks pair' ventured to the Buffer Zone. The bushes supported the usual two to a few territories of Chiffchaff, Blackcap and Whitethroat.
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