Thursday 16 May 2024

Thursday 16th May

Another quiet day with hints of migration, a sub-singing Reed Warbler in Dead Dolphin Wood was perhaps new in, with a Siskin overhead and two 2cy Mediterranean Gull on Pole Sands at low tide. 

Elsewhere a 1hr 15min seawatch first thing saw 12 Common Scoter, five Great Northern and a Red-throated Diver head SW; the neap tide again saw The Bight largely bereft of waders with counts including 16 Whimbrel, seven Bar-tailed Godwit, seven Sanderling, the five Eider and single Dunlin, Ringed Plover Sandwich Tern and Turnstone.

Other Wildlife: A total of four Painted Lady were the first records of the year, as insect migration starts to pick up. 

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