Saturday 8 June 2024

Saturday 8th June

Still a few waders pausing their northward journeys with counts of 78 Sanderling12 Dunlin12 Ringed Plover, two Bar-tailed Godwit and a Knot in the Bight. In contrast a count of 40 Curlew in the saltmarsh indicates early returning failed breeding birds. Also in the estuary, the six Eider and 16 Whimbrel.

Elsewhere 28 Swift, a House Martin and a Yellow Wagtail were overhead and 60+ Manx Shearwater were circling distantly offshore, with three Great Northern Diver, a dark phase immature Arctic Skua and single Common ScoterSandwich and Common Tern.

Other Wildlife: Insects became more active during sunnier spells early afternoon, new hymenopteran emergences for the year included Large Sharp-tailed Bee Coelioxys conoidea and Three-spotted Digger Wasp Nysson trimaculatus, alongside increased numbers of Leaden Spider Wasp Pompilus cinereus and Common Spiny Digger Wasp Oxybelus uniglumis.

Large Sharp-tailed Bee Coelioxys conoidea - Alan Keatley

Three-spotted Digger Wasp Nysson trimaculatus - Alan Keatley

A third Wharf Borer of the week was seen, this time under driftwood, with other beetles recorded including Dune Scarab Aegialia arenaria, Dune Chafer Anomala dubia, the large rove Philonthus politus and a tumbling flower beetle Anaspis maculata.

Dune Chafer Anomala dubia - Kevin Rylands

Anaspis maculata - Alan Keatley

Hercostomus nigriplantis - Alan Keatley

Sieve-winged Snailkiller Coremacera marginata - Kevin Rylands

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