Monday 1 July 2024

Monday 1st July

Offshore several of the seven lingering Great Northern Diver are in heavy wing moult rendering them flightless, so they'll be around for a while yet. Also present 11 Common Scoter, two Sandwich and a Common Tern

Great Northern Diver - Alan Keatley

The first day of July and for increasing numbers of waders the breeding season is over with a Common Sandpiper a scarce visitor to the Main Pond on its southward journey.  More unusual though was a Snipe which circled low over Greenland Lake, the earliest ever autumn record, after one on 06 July 2001.

Common Sandpiper - Alan Keatley

In the estuary counts included 227 Curlew, 34 Redshank, 17 Whimbrel and four Greenshank, with the six Eider on Finger Point and five Mediterranean Gull in the saltmarsh.

Elsewhere a Green Woodpecker was on site, 104 Swift fed overhead briefly and eight Stock Dove were on Warren Point.

Other Wildlife: Doratura stylata, a new leafhopper for the Recording Area was found on Warren Point, the 296th site bug.

Doratura stylata - Alan Keatley

Other bugs found amongst the sand included the hopper Megophtalmus scabripennis and the ground bug Megalonotus chiragra and, in vegetation, the mirid Plagiognathus arbustorum

Megophtalmus scabripennis - Alan Keatley

Plagiognathus arbustorum - Alan Keatley

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