Monday 22 July 2024

Monday 22nd July

Many of the roosting Sandwich Tern flew past Langstone Rock early morning with 82 heading SW in the first 1hr 30mins after dawn, 72 were still in the estuary mid morning with five Common and the Roseate Tern. The latter dropped into The Bight for a brief stay just before 10.30 not being seen again until it returned at 19.30.

Also in the estuary 352 Curlew125 Redshank54 Whimbrel51 Dunlin14 Greenshank, six Eider, four Black and two Bar-tailed Godwit, three Common Sandpiper, two Ringed Plover and a Sanderling. At least 25 Mediterranean Gullincluding six juveniles, were split between the estuary and passing SW offshore. 

Elsewhere a Kingfisher was at the Main Pond and offshore a dark phase immature Pomarine Skua flew SW early morning with a dark phase Arctic Skua and a Red-throated Diver lingering.

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