Saturday 6 July 2024

Saturday 6th July

Four Common Sandpiper, one on the railway embankment and three on Warren Point were new arrivals along with seven Black-tailed Godwit and the first juvenile Ringed Plover of the autumn. Also in the estuary 391 Oystercatcher214 Curlew132 Black-headed and seven Mediterranean Gull58 Redshank25 Sandwich Tern17 Whimbrel, the six Eider, five Dunlin, four Greenshank and a Sanderling.

A Hobby flew across The Bight and a breeding plumaged Great Northern Diver flew N up estuary, being lost from view past Lympstone.

Other Wildlife:Grey Seal was off Langstone Rock. Aside from the Bee-wolf colony on the 18th fairway, few insects were seemingly active in the blustery conditions but the two tamarisk bugs Tuponia brevirostris and T. mixticolor were present, both so far only recorded from the Warren in Devon.

Bee-wolf - Kevin Rylands

Campyloneura virgula, the hunter... - Kevin Rylands

Cacopsylla fulguralis, the hunted. - Kevin Rylands

Lesne's Earwig - Kevin Rylands

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