Thursday 4 July 2024

Thursday 4th July

Quiet offshore although the first four Balearic Shearwater of the year flew SW late evening with two immature Great Northern Diver on the sea.

Counts from the estuary included 228 Curlew97 Black-headed and 10 Mediterranean Gull28 Whimbrel21 Sandwich Tern including four juveniles, 22 Redshank10 Black and a Bar-tailed Godwitthe six summering Eider, five Dunlin, two Ringed Plover and two Greenshank.

Elsewhere the first two adult Willow Warbler of the autumn were on site with a Great Spotted Woodpecker and 18 Long-tailed Tit.

Year list addition:

155. Balearic Shearwater

Other Wildlife: A Lunar Hornet Moth was found by a school group by the Main Pond, just the fourth site record.  At least five Common Dolphin were offshore in the evening.

Lunar Hornet Moth - Stephen Edwards

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