Wednesday 7 August 2024

Wednesday 7th August

The moulting adult Curlew Sandpiper reappeared over the morning tide amongst 52 Ringed Plover, 48 Dunlin, two Sanderling and a Turnstone in The Bight. Also in the estuary 204 Redshank, 51 Whimbrel, 15 Mediterranean Gull, seven Greenshank, six Bar-tailed Godwit, the six Eider and a Snipe.

At least 92 Sandwich Tern were split between the estuary and offshore, where a distant flock was targeted by a hunting Peregrine. Elsewhere a Meadow Pipit was overhead with single Wheatear, Garden and Willow Warbler on site.

Other Wildlife: A varied selection of insects active including a Striped-backed Snailkiller Limnia unguicornis, with a couple of Heather Colletes C. succinctus making their first appearance of the year. These were one of several bee species recorded including Hairy Yellow-faced Bee Hylaeus hyalinatus, Coastal Leafcutter Megachile maritima and several Green Furrow Bee Lasioglossum morio.

Striped-backed Snailkiller Limnia unguicornis - Alan Keatley

Heather Colletes C. succinctus - Alan Keatley

Hairy Yellow-faced Bee Hylaeus hyalinatus - Alan Keatley

True bugs included the mirid Plagiognathus chrysanthemi, the groundbug Stygocornis fuligineus, Alder Spittlebug Aphrophora alni and Green Leafhopper Cicadella viridis.

Plagiognathus chrysanthemi - Alan Keatley

Stygocornis fuligineus - Alan Keatley

Amongst today's butterflies were a mating pair of Green-veined White and the first Grey Squirrel of the autumn was around the First Pond.

Green-veined White - Alan Keatley

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