Sunday 1 September 2024

Sunday 1st September

A surprise flock of 14 Curlew Sandpiper, a moulting adult and 13 juveniles, paused briefly in the estuary on the dropping morning tide, a 15th bird, another juvenile remained in The Bight over both tides. Other wader counts from the estuary included 325 Curlew284 Redshank266 Dunlin214 Ringed Plover28 Sanderling19 Knot10 Bar and a Black-tailed Godwit10 Greenshank, nine Turnstone, six Whimbrel, two Common Sandpiper and the Spotted Redshank.

Also in the estuary 35 Sandwich, two Common and two Little Tern25 Tealnine Mediterranean Gull, six Wigeon, the six Eider and an Osprey.

The Wryneck was seen briefly on a private area of the Golf Course, with other migrants including nine Blackcap, three Whitethroat, three Wheatear, and single Yellow WagtailGarden Warbler and Spotted Flycatcher.

Elsewhere 14 Common Scoter and an Arctic Skua were offshore, a Treecreeper was in the Entrance Bushes and single Golden PloverRook and Grey Wagtail were overhead.

Ringing News: Two of the Sandwich Tern were colour-ringed;  an adult, yellow C45 from Hodbarrow RSPB, Cumbria and a juvenile, yellow flagged J0810 from Poland. The latter is just the fourth Polish Sandwich Tern recovery for the UK, all from Dawlish Warren.

Other Wildlife: A few Small Red-eyed Damselfly were still on the Main Pond with a Golden-ringed Dragonfly also on site. Elsewhere a Harbour Porpoise was offshore and the Grey Squirrel was again on the Golf Course.

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