Thursday 26 September 2024

Thursday 26th September

The Long-billed Dowitcher remains in the estuary corner with Redshank, only visible from an area with no general access. Wildfowl continue to increase with 636 Teal and 270 Wigeon, with wader numbers largely similar to yesterday including 32 Turnstone17 Greenshank, seven Bar and two Black-tailed Godwit, six Knot, two Whimbrel and the Spotted Redshank.

Also present a flock of 15 Cattle Egret, which dropped into the Railway Saltmarsh around 2pm and then moved to fields at Eastdon, 17 Sandwich Tern, six Mediterranean Gull and two Kingfisher, both later at the Main Pond. 

Seawatching for 40 minutes before 8am saw 39 Balearic Shearwater head south with a close juvenile Arctic Tern and a distant flock of c25 'commic' Tern. An hour's watch in the evening saw another 51 Balearic Shearwater head south with two skua sp, single Pomarine and Arctic Skua and a Great Northern Diver offshore.

Other records included a Buzzard low over the estuary flushing waders, three Jackdaw were foraging on the mudflats, 13 Chiffchaff, two Blackcap and two Wheatear were on site and a Grey Wagtail was overhead.

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