Friday 18 October 2024

Friday 18th October

Early morning vismig saw large numbers of pigeons and corvids, many gathering as large swirling flocks over Exmouth before continuing high W over the estuary. At least 1870 Woodpigeon and 760 Jackdaw were joined by 85 Starling14 Rook and seven Stock Dove. Low numbers of small passerines overhead included 32 Skylark25 Meadow Pipit, five Chaffinch and a Siskin

Herons were also moving with a Great White Egret E along the back of the golf course, briefly circling Finger Point before continuing over Exmouth at 8.45; four Cattle Egret downriver, with two other high S with a Little Egret; and a Grey Heron flew high SW.

Counts from the estuary included 306 Redshank71 Dunlin52 Shelduck17 Greenshank11 Sandwich Tern, six Pintailfive Pale-bellied Brent Geese, five Sanderling, three Grey Plover, two Mediterranean Gull, a Knot and a Spotted Redshank. The Long-billed Dowitcher was last reported on Monday.

Elsewhere three Coal Tit moved through Dead Dolphin Wood with at least 75 Goldfinch25 Greenfinch and four Reed Bunting around Greenland Lake. 

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