Saturday 19 October 2024

Saturday 19th October

A Cetti's Warbler and half a dozen Chiffchaff were around the Main Pond but no other news was received.

Other Wildlife: The autumn sunshine saw five species of butterfly on the wing with a few Red Admiral and Large White moving through, several Speckled Wood still defending sheltered glades, two fresh Meadow Brown and a Wall. At least 25 Common Darter and six Migrant Hawker were also on the wing, with many unfortunately choosing to egg lay in recently flooded areas.

Wall - Kevin Rylands

The wet conditions have benefitted fungi with Butter Hygrocybe ceracea and Golden Waxcap H. chlorophana emerging on the golf course, Greyshank Bolete Leccinum cyaneobasileucum, new for the Recording Area, and Bearded Milkcap Lactarius pubescens by the Dune Pond and Yellow Stainer Agaricus xanthodermus, Blue Roundhead Stropharia caerulea and the parachute Marasmius anomalus in the dunes.

Butter Hygrocybe ceracea and Golden Waxcap H. chlorophana (top) - Kevin Rylands

Blue Roundhead Stropharia caerulea - Kevin Rylands

Elsewhere a few Ivy Bee were still flying, a/the Grey Squirrel was along the Back Path and single Rusty-dot Pearl and Rush Veneer were flushed in Greenland Lake.

Ivy Bee - Kevin Rylands

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