Some notable visible migration, including a site record 2,393 Chaffinch heading NE mostly before 10am. This the sixth 1000+ count here in spring since the first in 2008, although most spring counts are rarely even double figures
Also overhead, the first site Woodlark since 18th March 2018, 105 Wood Pigeon, 104 Jackdaw, 13 Lesser Black-backed and nine Black-headed Gull, eight Meadow Pipit and Starling, five Rook, four Linnet, three Siskin, the first three Sand Martin of the year and a Blue Tit in off the sea.
A Water Pipit in The Bight was a new arrival with a second bird still in the saltmarsh, where 18 Snipe and a Jack Snipe were also still present. Other counts from the estuary included 111 Dark-bellied Brent Geese, 26 Teal, 21 Redshank, 18 Sanderling, 13 Dunlin,10 Ringed and a Grey Plover, eight Greenshank and six Knot.
Elsewhere four Sandwich Tern were offshore with four Eider and a Great Northern Diver, with five Chiffchaff still on site including the singing bird on Warren Point.
Year list additions:
114. Woodlark
115. Sand Martin
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