Tuesday, 25 March 2025

Tuesday 25th March

The four Eider remain offshore with 16 Great Crested Grebe, six Great Northern and a Red-throated Diver also off the sea wall.

Counts from the low high tide included 37 Dark-bellied Brent Geese, 21 Teal, 17 Redshank, 15 Sanderling, eight Shelduck, seven Greenshank, three Sandwich Tern and a Dunlin.

Elsewhere few if any migrants on site although four Chiffchaff were around the Main Pond.

Stonechat - Dave Jewell. One of several males holding territory, with females likely already on eggs

Other Wildlife: At least a dozen Sand Crocus was in flower on a south facing bank on the Golf Course, a week later than last year but the same date as 2023. With cloudy conditions forecast until Saturday it may be a while before they are joined by larger numbers.

Sand (Warren) Crocus Romulea columnae - Dave Jewell

Also taking advantage of the sunny weather a basking Common Lizard and two Peacock, with the hoverflies Slender Melanostoma M. scalare and Grey-spotted Boxer Platycheirus albimanus on the wing for the first time.

Other active invertebrates included Copper Sunjumper Heliophanus cupreus, Black Marram Weevil Otiorhychus atroapterus, the leafhopper Agallia cf. ribauti and the planthopper Muirodelphax aubei.

Muirodelphax aubei (male) - Alan Keatley

Muirodelphax aubei (female) - Alan Keatley

Black Marram Weevil Otiorhychus atroapterus - Alan Keatley

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