Friday 21 June 2024

Friday 21st June

As if to mark Midsummer's Day autumn migration shifted up a gear with wader numbers and variety increasing. Counts included 356 Oystercatcher94 Curlew, seven Whimbrel, four Black and a Bar-tailed Godwit, four Redshanktwos of DunlinSanderling and Turnstone and a Greenshank.

Gull numbers also increased with 241 Black-headed and eight (four 2cy, three ad, 3cy) Mediterranean Gull foraging offshore, with eight Sandwich and two Common Tern. Also offshore three Great Northern Diver circled the bay before heading SW.

The first post-breeding Kingfisher was at the Main Pond, with a mobile Coal Tit in the bushes. Numbers of fledged birds are increasing with three broods of Reed Warbler as well as Linnet, Lesser Whitethroat and Stonechat. The presence of a single young Pheasant around the Bight with the polygynous ♂ and two ♀, confirmed breeding, a rare occurrence fortunately for the Sand Lizard population.

Other Wildlife: Water Vole was at the Main Pond along with Emperor Dragonfly and Broad-bodied Chaser. A Small Skipper was on the wing and a third Pyramidal Orchid has appeared on the Dune Ridge.

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