Sunday 9 June 2024

Sunday 9th June

The highlight was confirmation of the first breeding record of Tufted Duck for the Warren, the  appearing with two small chicks on the Main Pond. Elsewhere the first fledged Whitethroat was on the wing.

Tufted Duck - David Flack

An Osprey hunted over The Bight and estuary corner late morning , before returning back towards Powderham, where it has been since Friday. Also in the estuary the six Eider and counts of 70 Sanderling, eight Ringed Plover, six Dunlin and three Bar-tailed Godwit.

A summer plumaged Great Northern Diver was offshore, with five Manx Shearwater, four Sandwich Tern and a Great Crested Grebe; and a Cuckoo was again on Warren Point, this time a ♀.

Cuckoo - David Flack

Other Wildlife: A bull Grey Seal was close in to seawall and a Fox cub trotted around the edge of The Bight, being harried by a Magpie.

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