Thursday 6 June 2024

Thursday 6th June

Still good numbers of northbound waders around The Bight at high tide, perhaps held up by the change in wind direction, Counts included 76 Sanderling60 Dunlin and 24 Ringed Plover with 20 Curlew19 Whimbrel and a Bar-tailed Godwit in the saltmarsh and the six Eider on Finger Point.

The large feeding flock of 600+ Herring Gull was again offshore with 45 Black-headed Gull, four Common and three Sandwich Tern also foraging. Further out 45+ Manx Shearwater20+ Common Scoterfive Great Northern Diver and a pale phase Arctic Skua.

Elsewhere 120+ Starling, all juveniles, were around The Bight and seven Swift, five Rook, two Siskin, two Sand and a House Martin flew through.

Other Wildlife: The Golden-ringed Dragonfly was again around the Main Pond, where Broad-bodied Chaser are egglaying.

Golden-ringed Dragonfly - Dean Hall

Broad-bodied Chaser - Dean Hall

Another day another new species for the Recording Area, the spider wasp Auplopus carbonarius around the Bight, also on the exposed sand, Common Yellow-faced Bee, Silver-headed Satellite Fly Metopia argyrocephala and another Wharf Borer

Auplopus carbonarius - Alan Keatley

Silver-headed Satellite Fly Metopsia agryocephala - Alan Keatley

Lackey - Dean Hall

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