Saturday 27 July 2024

Saturday 27th July

An immature Black-throated Diver was an unseasonal highlight, although this bird has been present for several weeks as a 'diver sp', finally coming close enough inshore to confirm the suspected identification. Also offshore 10 Common Scoter with nine Canada Geese SW and another three in off showing some seasonal movement. 

Several colour-ringed Oystercatcher were new in for another winter on the estuary where counts included 144 Redshank91 Sandwich and four Common Tern, 76 Whimbrel45 Dunlin35 Ringed Plover13 Greenshank11 Mediterranean Gull10 Sanderling, the six Eider, two Turnstone and two Bar and Black-tailed Godwit.

Black-tailed Godwit - Lee Collins 

Common Tern - Lee Collins 

Mediterranean Gull - Dave Jewell

Elsewhere the bushes held good numbers of juvenile birds including Blackcap, Chiffchaff and Reed Warbler but two Willow Warbler were the only definite migrants.  

Other Wildlife: Despite the mainly overcast conditions, there were a wide selection of insects including a few new records the year; Macropsis scutellata, a nettle leafhopper, the dung fly Norellisoma spinimanum, the gall of Rhopalomyia tanaceticola on Tansy flowers and a Dark-winged Digger Wasp Lestiphorus bicinctus.

Norellisoma spinimanum - Alan Keatley

Macropsis scutellata - Alan Keatley
Dark-winged Digger Wasp Lestiphorus bicinctus - Alan Keatley

Also noted Denticulate Leatherbug Coriomeris denticulatus, the migrant Large Tiger Hoverfly Helophilus trivittatus, the black and yellow longhorn beetle Rutpela maculata, the summer generation of Common Mini-miner Andrena minutula and several Pantaloon Dasypoda hirtipes and Green-eyed (Little) Flower Bee Anthophora bimaculata.

Large Tiger Hoverfly Helophilus trivittatus - Alan Keatley

Denticulate Leatherbug Coriomeris denticulatus - Alan Keatley

Spotted Longhorn Rutpela maculata - Alan Keatley

Green-eyed (Little) Flower Bee Anthophora bimaculata - Alan Keatley

A total of nine butterfly species on the wing included a couple of Brown Argus and a single Holly Blue.

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