Sunday 28 July 2024

Sunday 28th July

The summering immature Black and Red-throated Diver were off Langstone Rock early morning with 16 Canada Goose and seven Common Scoter heading SW and a Common Sandpiper on the seawall.

A Little Tern was a new arrival in the estuary, joining 104 Sandwich and eight Common Tern around The Bight were there were 588 Oystercatcher, 39 Dunlin, 11 Ringed Plover, six Eider, five Common Sandpiper, four Sanderling and two Turnstone over high tide.

Little Tern - Lee Collins

Also in the estuary 210 Black-headed and c10 Mediterranean Gull, 173 Redshank, 107 Curlew, 69 Whimbrel, 13 Greenshank and four Bar-tailed Godwit.

Elsewhere three Willow and two Garden Warbler were migrants as was an adult Coal Tit in the Entrance Bushes and a ♀ Pheasant with small chick at SW end of Greenland Lake was unexpected with a male in Dead Dolphin Wood on Friday the first record away from Warren Point this year. 

Small Skipper - Lee Collins

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