Saturday 26 October 2024

Saturday 26th October

Huge numbers of Woodpigeon on the move in the first two hours, an estimated 31,230 birds, with flocks in the thousands in the first hour, with flocks of several hundred later. Their line was mostly W offshore whereas 347 Jackdawlargest flock 80, and 17 Rook took a more inland route.

Also against the clear blue sky, two flocks of 22 and five Redwing headed west with a lone Mistle Thrush east. at least 40 Skylark passed W, many too high to see, along with smaller numbers of Chaffinch and Linnet, seven Lesser Black-backed Gull, seven Siskin, two Reed Bunting and the first Lesser Redpoll of the year. 

Elsewhere an adult Spoonbill headed offshore, but shortly returned to the estuary, five Chiffchaff, two Goldcrest, single Coal Tit, Jay and a female Sparrowhawk were in the bushes with a vocal Cetti's Warbler and a Kingfisher at the Main Pond.

Year list addition:

179. Redpoll

Other Wildlife: With day long sunshine insects were obvious  including presumed migrants such as a late Southern Hawker, two Red Admiral, a Silver Y and a few Marmalade Hoverfly Episyrphus balteatus

Southern Hawker - Alan Keatley

Marmalade Hoverfly Episyrphus balteatus - Alan Keatley

Also on the wing a Speckled Wood, three Common Darter and the hoverflies; Common Dronefly Eristalis tenax, Humming Syrphus S. ribesii, Gossamer Hoverfly Baccha elongata and Tiger Hoverfly Helophilus pendulus.

The Grey Squirrel was in the Entrance Bushes. 

Silver Y - Alan Keatley

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