Sunday 27 October 2024

Sunday 27th October

Another morning of vismig dominated by 15,050 Woodpigeon and 1026 Jackdaw, with a varied supporting cast including 225 Starling101 Lesser Black Backed Gull, 77 Chaffinch17 Meadow Pipit11 Skylark, five Buzzard, five Siskin, a site record four Egyptian Geese, two Sparrowhawk and single Great White EgretLesser RedpollRedwing and Red Kite.

Elsewhere counts from The Bight included 215 Dunlin, 57 Turnstone, 47 Ringed and three Grey Plover, nine Sanderling and a Whimbrel, a female Marsh Harrier flew north late afternoon, the Cetti's Warbler, two Water Rail, a Grey Wagtail and a Reed Bunting were at the Main Pond, and two Bullfinch, two Goldcrest, a Coal Tit and a Jay were in the bushes.

Other Wildlife: A Weasel ran across the path in front of the Visitor Centre.

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