The second transatlantic rarity in a week was again a brief staying highlight, this time a first summer American Golden Plover in with a small flock of Grey Plover. It was discovered roosting over the high tide, eventually moving to The Bight and then offsite on the dropping tide. Only the second site record after one in October 2010.
American Golden (& Grey) Plover - both Lee Collins
Also in the estuary, counts included 19 Sanderling, 16 Dunlin, 14 Grey and four Ringed Plover, six Sandwich Tern, five Eider, back on Finger Point after yesterday's storm, four Bar-tailed Godwit, four Turnstone, three Whimbrel and a Great Crested Grebe.
Seawatching was productive during the morning with five Pomarine and a Great Skua, 130+ Kittiwake, 100+ Manx Shearwater, 11 Great Northern and a Red-throated Diver mostly heading SW, with three Great Northern Diver on the sea.
Elsewhere a Hobby flew W at 10am and a Lesser Whitethroat was along the Back Path.
Year list addition:
151. American Golden Plover
Other Wildlife: A Broad-banded Fleckwing Dasysyrphus venustus was one of the more striking insects on the wing with other flies noted including the cranefly Nephrotoma quadrifaria and the rust fly Psila firmetaria.
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Broad-banded Fleckwing Dasysyrphus venustus - Alan Keatley |
Nephrotoma quadrifaria - Alan Keatley
Psila fimetaria - Alan Keatley
Also, flying in sheltered areas were several Short-fringed and Sandpit Mining Bee, a Broad-bodied Chaser and the soldier beetle Cantharis cryptica.