Saturday 25 May 2024

Saturday 25th May

The Little Stint moved on overnight along with many of the waders but there were still counts of 116 Dunlin, 54 Sanderling and 19 Ringed Plover in The Bight at high tide with 18 Whimbrel, five Eider, three Bar-tailed Godwit and a Turnstone also in the estuary.

Elsewhere 34 Common Scoter, nine Great Northern and a Red-throated Diver were in the bay with five Sandwich Tern feeding offshore, single House Martin, Little Egret and Siskin were overhead and the Spotted Flycatcher was still by the Main Pond. 

Other Wildlife: The Risso's Dolphin was again present, watched heading south early morning.

There was a good show of butterflies and dragonflies in the warm sunshine with the first Meadow Brown and Emperor Dragonfly of the year. Also appearing for the first time in 2024, a ruby-tailed cuckoo wasp Chrysis ignita searching for Red Mason Bee nests, with Leaden Spider Wasp Pompilus cinereus and Red-banded Sand Wasp Ammophila sabulosa active on the Dune Ridge.

Chrysis ignita - Alan Keatley

Red Mason Bee Osmia bicornis - Alan Keatley

Leaden Spider Wasp Pompilus cinereus - Alan Keatley

Several hundred Southern Marsh Orchid are in flower in Greenland Lake where Malachite Beetle Malachius bipustulatus, Purple Loosestrife Weevil Nanophyes marmoratus, a Diamond-back Moth and a Broad Centurion were amongst the lush vegetation. 

Broad Centurion Chloromyia formosa - Alan Keatley

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