Sunday 19 May 2024

Sunday 19th May

A foggy start saw three Great Northern Diver and a Great Crested Grebe close offshore with two Red-throated Diver heard overhead at dawn.

In the estuary an arrival of waders headlined by 147 Sanderling, other counts included 35 Dunlin, 16 Bar-tailed Godwit, 10 Whimbrel, 10 Ringed Plover, five Turnstone and a Knot. Also in the estuary, the five Eider and two Sandwich Tern.

Elsewhere a Yellow Wagtail was overhead and a Wheatear on Langstone Rock quickly flew off inland.

Other Wildlife: Once the fog cleared a total of 11 butterfly species were on the wing including three Brown Argus and, on Warren Point, a Wall Brown. Also recorded two Hairy Dragonfly and, off Langstone, a Grey Seal

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