Tuesday 21 May 2024

Tuesday 21st May

 Aside from breeding species the only records came from the high tide with wader counts including 59 Sanderling, 33 Dunlin, 28 Ringed Plover, 15 Whimbrel, 11 Bar-tailed Godwit and a Knot, with the five Eider and a Sandwich Tern also present.

Other Wildlife: Another warm, sunny day saw a further boost on flying insects with increased numbers of Broad-bodied Chaser, Azure Damselfly and Common Blue butterfly in particular. A Hairy Dragonfly was patrolling the Back Meadow where several Brown Argus were on the wing and Blue-eyed Grass was in flower. 

Azure Damselfly - Lee Collins

Brown Argus - Lee Collins

A dozen Silver Y were seen with Small Yellow Underwing, Yellow Belle, Chinese Character, Cypress Carpet, Speckled Fanner Glyphipterix thrasonella and 'Geoff' aka Hedge Beauty Alabonia geoffrella amongst other moths noted.

Silver Y - Lee Collins

Speckled Fanner Glyphipterix thrasonella - Alan Keatley

At least 15 species of hoverfly were recorded including Small Spotty-eyed Dronefly Eristalinus sepulchralisLarge Pied Hoverfly Volucella pellucens, Narcissus Bulb Fly Merodon equestris and Yellow-barred Peat Hoverfly Sericomyia silentis.

Narcissus Bulb Fly - Alan Keatley

Thirteen species of bee included the first Cat's-ear Mining Bee Andrena humilis for 15 years, with other discoveries including Denticulate Leatherbug Coriomeris denticulatus, Bronze Shieldbug Triolus luridus and new for the Recording Area the leaf beetle Cryptocephalus moraei.

Cat's-ear Mining Bee Andrena humilis - Alan Keatley

Cryptocephalus moraei - Alan Keatley

Bronze Shieldbug - Kevin Rylands

Dysmachus trigonus - Lee Collins

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