Saturday 18 May 2024

Saturday 18th May

Fledged species recorded today included the first Blue Tit, Starling, Moorhen and Little Grebe of the year but little else on site. Overhead passing between thundery showers 30 Swallow, seven Swift, three House and a Sand Martin.

The same weather no doubt lead to the increase in waders over high tide, with 64 Sanderling, 47 Dunlin, 10 Whimbrel, four Ringed Plover, six Turnstone, three Knot and two Greenshank present, with the five Eider also in the estuary.

At least 12 Great Northern, many in breeding plumage, and a Red-throated Diver roosted in the bay at dusk, with four Great Northern and three Red-throated flying SW early morning. also offshore rafts of 28 Common Scoter, seven Sandwich Tern and a 3cy Mediterranean Gull.

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