Friday 10 May 2024

Friday 10th May

Reduced numbers in the estuary as birds take opportunity of the fine weather to continue migration and perhaps avoid the attention of a marauding Peregrine. Counts included 29 Sanderling, 17 Whimbrel, 14 Dunlin, 13 Ringed Plover, nine Bar-tailed Godwit, the five Eider and two Grey Plover.

Peregrine - Lee Collins

Elsewhere six Sandwich Tern and three Great Northern Diver were offshore and there was a light NE passage of 24 Swallow and 12 House Martin.

Other Wildlife: The first Broad-bodied Chaser of the year was in the Back Meadow, with a Wall Brown and a Sand Lizard along the Dune Ridge.

Sand Lizard - Lee Collins

Wall - Lee Collins

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