Friday 31 March 2017

Friday 31st March

Two Wheatear on Warren Point and a Blackcap in the Entrance Bushes were the only new migrants on site. Elsewhere the two Slavonian Grebe were in the estuary with 82 Curlew, 64 Knot, 54 Grey Plover and a Whimbrel with 10 Sandwich Tern also present. There was no sign of the Jack Snipe on the Main Pond but a single Snipe was still present.

Thursday 30 March 2017

Thursday 30th March

The first Willow Warbler of the year was singing in the Entrance Bushes this morning, but the only other fresh passerine migrant was a single Wheatear on Warren Point. In the estuary migration was more obvious with counts included 96 Grey Plover, 56 Knot, 48 Dunlin, 18 Bar-tailed Godwit, 11 Sanderling, four Sandwich Tern and a Whimbrel. Elsewhere the Jack Snipe continues to attract visitors to the Main Pond.

Whimbrel - Alan Keatley

Tuesday 28 March 2017

Tuesday 28th March

Counts from the estuary included 75 Curlew, 56 Grey Plover, 36 Turnstone, 35 Brent Geese, 16 Sanderling, nine Dunlin, seven Sandwich Tern, two Bar-tailed Godwit, two Knot and a Greenshank. Elsewhere the Jack Snipe was still on the Main Pond, two Swallow flew through, two Wheatear were onsite and two Jackdaw were overhead.

Monday 27 March 2017

Monday 27th March

The Jack Snipe continues to be regular feature around the Main Pond, with the two Slavonian Grebe off Cockwood also still present. Elsewhere a pair of Cirl Bunting were near the Visitor Centre, 40 Curlew, 38 Brent Geese, 30 Redshank, 30 Turnstone and a Bar-tailed Godwit were from the hide and an Eider and six Brent Geese were reported offshore.

Jack Snipe - Dean Hall
Wildlife News: The first Speckled Wood of the year was in Dead Dolphin Wood.

Sunday 26 March 2017

Sunday 26th March

The Jack Snipe remains on the Main Pond with at least one Snipe and Water Rail also occasionally on show.

Saturday 25 March 2017

Saturday 25th March

The 18th site record of Egyptian Goose, the first since Feb 2012, flew north over the spit mid morning with other migrants including the first two Kestrel of the year both heading north and, from further afield, the first Swallow of 2017.  Elsewhere the Jack Snipe was on the Main Pond, two Slavonian Grebe were off Cockwood, a Wheatear was in Greenland Lake, a Blackcap was singing in Dead Dolphin Wood and a dozen Meadow Pipit and a Siskin were overhead.

Jack Snipe - Alan Keatley

Wheatear - Simon Thurgood
Wildlife News: In the sunny conditions the Sand Crocus was out in flower around the Crocus compound and Greenland Lake. The same conditions also brought out several Comma and Peacock butterflies and four bumblebee species: Buff-tailed, Red-tailed, Common Carder and Tree - the latter a long-awaited first for the recording area.

 Sand Crocus - Alan Keatley

Tree Bumblebee - Alan Keatley

Friday 24 March 2017

Friday 24th March

The first Whimbrel of the year was on the mudflats this evening with 45+ Turnstone, four Greenshank and three Knot. Also in the estuary 'Herbert' the resident Slavonian Grebe

Thursday 23 March 2017

Thursday 23rd March

The day started dull, cold and dry, later turning wet and the birding was not much better. The Jack Snipe did however remain on the Main Pond, with five Chiffchaff on site. Elsewhere a tight flock of 88 Turnstone in the estuary were presumably migrants, a Great Northern Diver was offshore and the two Slavonian Grebe and a Greenshank off Cockwood.

Jack Snipe - Alan Keatley

Wednesday 22 March 2017

Wednesday 22nd March

The Jack Snipe remained on the Main Pond early afternoon with at least 10 Chiffchaff on site. Elsewhere a Sandwich Tern, a Slavonian Grebe and two Great Northern Diver were offshore the only other news received.

Wildlife News: The flowers of Sand Crocus made another appearance today but a sunny day will be required before they fully open.

Tuesday 21 March 2017

Tuesday 21st March

The first Blackcap of the year was singing in the Entrance Bushes with five Sandwich Tern offshore the only other summer migrants. Counts from the hide included 300 Oystercatcher, 55 Curlew, 32 Turnstone and 14 Brent Geese with the majority of waders and wildfowl having left the estuary. Elsewhere the Jack Snipe was still on the Main Pond, the two Slavonian Grebe were off Cockwood and an Eider was offshore. Contrary to reports the Velvet Scoter were not off the Warren but remained off Dawlish.

Snipe - Dave Jewell

Monday 20 March 2017

Monday 20th March

A Greenshank was in the estuary with a Bar-tailed Godwit and half a dozen Red-breasted Merganser.

Sunday 19 March 2017

Sunday 19th March

A Jack Snipe showed on the Main Pond, but remained well hidden, also there three Water Rail, three Shoveler, two Snipe and two Teal. Elsewhere a single Sandwich Tern was off John's Watch with two Great Northern and two Red-throated Diver, 19 Great-crested Grebe and five Common Scoter. Also offshore a flock of 10 Eider flew in from Dawlish, pausing briefly by Langstone Rock but the four Velvet Scoter remained stubbornly around Coryton Cove, Dawlish to the south of the Recording Area.

Jack Snipe - Dave Jewell
Wildlife News: The first Sand Crocus of the year were in flower near the Visitor Centre, despite the early dat eand overcast conditions. A Harbour Porpoise was offshore.

Saturday 18 March 2017

Saturday 18th March

A Sandwich Tern briefly in the estuary was the highlight on a quiet day, also from the hide 168 Curlew, 97 Dunlin, 60 Brent Geese, 38 Turnstone, 16 Red-breasted Merganser, two Bar and a Black-tailed Godwit. Elsewhere six Chiffchaff were on site and a Red-throated Diver and 50 Common Scoter were offshore.

Wednesday 15 March 2017

Wednesday 15th March

A Wheatear and a couple of Chiffchaff were near the Main Pond, with a Jay nearby presumably a more local migrant. Counts from the estuary included 172 Brent Geese, 106 Curlew, 100+ Dunlin, 60 Grey Plover, 32 Turnstone, 21 Knot, 12 Red-breasted Merganser and three Sanderling. Elsewhere 40 Great-crested Grebe and six Common Scoter were offshore.
Wheatear - Dean Hall

Tuesday 14 March 2017

Tuesday 14th March

The two Slavonian Grebe were in the estuary with c50 Common Gull and 12 Teal.

Monday 13 March 2017

Monday 13th March

No sign of any Wheatear today, but a couple of Chiffchaff were in song around the Main Pond with four Shoveler still present. Elsewhere 250 Dunlin, 187 Brent Geese, 174 Curlew, 80 Grey Plover, 75 Knot, 32 Turnstone, seven Bar-tailed Godwit and three Sanderling were present over the early morning tide, numerous Skylark were singing high in the sky above Warren Point and 48 Great-crested Grebe were offshore.

Sunday 12 March 2017

Sunday 12th March

The first Sandwich Tern of the year was offshore this evening, also on the sea with new site record 106 Great-crested Grebe and amongst the roosting gulls an immature Iceland and two adult Mediterranean Gull. Elsewhere three Sand Martin, also the first of the year, flew north past Warren Point, at least three Wheatear along the sea wall and 40 Redshank and a Greenshank in the estuary.

Saturday 11 March 2017

Saturday 11th March

Spring continued to arrive with a single Wheatear by the hide, at least seven Chiffchaff around the site, a couple of migrant Song Thrush on the Point and a dozen each of Meadow Pipit and Lesser Black-backed Gull overhead. Elsewhere a first winter Little Gull, two Pale-bellied Brent Geese and two Slavonian Grebe were in the estuary, 14 Red-throated Diver and 25 Great-crested Grebe were on the sea with 965 Herring Gull and 145 Dark-bellied Brent Geese on sandbars offshore.

Wheatear - Alan Keatley
Wildlife News: The first Small Tortoiseshell of the year was along the Dune Ridge.

Friday 10 March 2017

Friday 10th March

The only news received was of the first three Wheatear of the year around Langstone Rock early morning.

Thursday 9 March 2017

Thursday 9th March

A glorious spring day but still no sign of the first summer migrant, however resident breeding species were in full song with Stonechat, Cirl Bunting and Linnet all to found around the remaining scrub, with both Green and Great-spotted Woodpecker also on site. Elsewhere a Red-throated Diver was offshore, two Slavonian Grebe were off Cockwood, three Shoveler were on the Main Pond  and two Jackdaw were overhead.

Wildlife News: The warm weather brought out good numbers of early insects with a Brimstone a good patch record, also the first Comma and Honey Bee of the year.

Brimstone - Alan Keatley

Comma - Alan Keatley

Honey Bee - Alan Keatley

Wednesday 8 March 2017

Wednesday 8th March

A quick early morning visit failed to find the first Wheatear of spring or yesterday's Jack Snipe but three Shoveler and two Water Rail were on the Main Pond and the first Green Woodpecker of the year was in the Entrance Bushes.

Tuesday 7 March 2017

Tuesday 7th March

A Jack Snipe on the Main Pond was the highlight on a quiet day, with a Common Snipe, a Water Rail and a pair of Shoveler also present. Elsewhere 22 Great-crested Grebe were off the seawall and on a low tide 80 Brent Geese were in the Bight.

Jack Snipe - Dean Hall

Sunday 5 March 2017

Sunday 5th March

A change in the weather saw strong winds and heavy showers through the day. Offshore there were single Great Northern and Red-throated Diver, the two Slavonian Grebe were off Cockwood and five Shoveler, two Water Rail and a Snipe were on the Main Pond.

Saturday 4 March 2017

Saturday 4th March

More signs of Spring today with six Mediterranean Gull on site (4ad, sw & fw) with 95+ Common Gull and an increase in Black-headed Gull. Counts from the estuary included 200+ Brent Geese, 158 Grey Plover, 134 Curlew, 104 Knot, 39 Turnstone, 14 Teal, 10 Ringed Plover, four Greenshank, two Wigeon, two Goldeneye, a Kingfisher and the Slavonian Grebe. Elsewhere two Red-throated and a Great Northern Diver, 12 Great-crested Grebe and an Eider were offshore.

Friday 3 March 2017

Friday 3rd March

The two Slavonian Grebe were off Cockwood with five Goldeneye and 18 Red-breasted Merganser; other counts from the estuary included 210 Brent Geese, 115 Knot, 104 Grey Plover, 27 Bar-tailed Godwit, 23 Shelduck and two Greenshank. Elsewhere 11 Common Scoter, an Eider and a Great Northern Diver were offshore with five Shoveler, two Snipe and a Water Rail on the Main Pond.

Wildlife News: A Stoat was near the Entrance Bushes.