Sunday 31 July 2022

Sunday 31st July

Offshore early morning a Balearic and 68 Manx Shearwater flew south with 92 Gannet, 60 Sandwich Tern, 35 Kittiwake and 17 Common Scoter. Bucking the trend and going east were two Arctic Skua, single dark and pale phase.

Counts from the high tide included 613 Oystercatcher, 376 Curlew, 98 Sandwich Tern, 79 Sanderling, 55 Whimbrel, 50 Ringed Plover, 26 Mediterranean Gull (12 ad, nine juv, three 1s, two 2s), 15 Dunlin, six Common Tern, five Common Gull, four Bar-tailed Godwit, a Knot and the Dark-bellied Brent Goose.

Song Thrush (doing well to find a snail in the conditions) - Alan Keatley

Elsewhere two Garden and a Sedge Warbler were definite migrants, with the Treecreeper in Dead Dolphin Wood, and the first Meadow Pipit of the autumn overhead with 42 Swift, 23 Swallow and two House Martin.

Wildlife News: At Langstone Rock more Kiefferia pericarpilcola galls were found on Wild Carrot and the second generation of Black Mining Bee Andrena pilipes were on the wing.

Black Mining Bee - Alan Keatley

Again very few hoverflies but other solitary bees included Pantaloon, Common Furrow, Green-eyed Flower and Coastal and Silvery Leafcutter. The Beewolf colony on the Golf Course continues to be well stocked. Both Five and Six-spot Burnet moths were around Greenland Lake along with good numbers of fresh Common Blue and Small Copper.

Straw-barred Pearl - Alan Keatley

A Grey Seal was offshore, the first for a while.

Grey Seal - Alan Keatley

Saturday 30 July 2022

Saturday 30th July

Offshore a Balearic and nine Manx Shearwater flew east with 34 Gannet, 33 Shag, 15 Kittiwake, 11 Common Scoter, an Arctic Skua south and a Great Crested Grebe.

Counts from the estuary included 540 Oystercatcher, 409 Curlew, 215 Redshank, 153 Sandwich Tern (at least 45 juv), 73 Sanderling, 59 Whimbrel, 55 Ringed Plover, 30 Common Tern (nine juv), 27 Mediterranean Gull, 18 Mute Swan, 12 Dunlin, six Bar-tailed Godwit, four Greenshank, a Knot and a Dark-bellied Brent Goose.

Elsewhere 78 Swallow, 12 Swift and five House Martin were overhead with 15 Blackcap, 14 Cirl Bunting, eight Chiffchaff, seven Whitethroat, two Great Spotted Woodpecker, two Willow and a Reed Warbler.

Wildlife News: A Purple Thorn flew in off the sea first thing and a Jersey Tiger was flying around the Windmill.

Friday 29 July 2022

Friday 29th July

Counts from the estuary included 528 Oystercatcher, 111 Sandwich and 28 Common Tern, 40 Sanderling, 39 Ringed Plover, 24 Dunlin and a Grey Plover.

Two migrant Willow Warbler, one singing, were in the Entrance Bushes, along with the long-staying Treecreeper. Elsewhere at least two broods of Whitethroat were on the wing and the long-staying first summer Kestrel is starting to moult into adult plumage.

Kestrel - Alan Keatley

Wildlife News: Sunny all day with temperatures rising again. The Warren is looking particularly parched with flowers going over very quickly. After a series of November showings the Marsh Helleborine haven't lasted long this year, struggling to reach August. Bramble, Ragwort and Evening Primrose are going the same way. Only the Common Fleabane and the emerging Water Mint provide a reliable nectar source at the moment. 

The regular dragonflies and butterflies were on the wing including six Small Red-eyed Damselfly, a male Black-tailed Skimmer and a Brown Argus. The hoverfly offering was again limited with Hornet and Marmalade Hoverfly, Dark-winged Chrysogaster C. solstitialis, Common Paragus P. haemorrhous, Bumblebee Blacklet Cheilosia illustrata and Spotted Meliscaeva M. auricollis.

Mint Moth - Alan Keatley

Other insects included Small Purple and Gold aka Mint Moth, Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet and Rhombic Leatherbug Syromastus rhombeus.

Rhombic Leatherbug - Alan Keatley

Wednesday 27 July 2022

Wednesday 27th July

An Arctic Tern, the first of the year, was in the Bight with 16 Common Tern but no other news was received. 

Tuesday 26 July 2022

Tuesday 26th July

In the estuary 468 Oystercatcher, 83 Sandwich and two Common Tern, 10 Ringed Plover, seven Dunlin, five Turnstone, four Sanderling, a Black-tailed Godwit and an unseasonal Dark-bellied Brent Goose, likely the summering bird from Exmouth rather than a new arrival.

Elsewhere at least 138 Swift were feeding above masses of gulls anting above the site and 26 Swallow flew through.

Sunday 24 July 2022

Sunday 24th July

Records from the estuary included 337 Oystercatcher, 328 Curlew, 198 Redshank, 146 Sandwich Tern, 83 Canada Geese, 22 Whimbrel, 20 Mediterranean Gull, 19 Dunlin, 18 Ringed Plover, 10 Greenshank, a Common Sandpiper and on Bull Hill a 4th year Yellow-legged Gull

Elsewhere 55 Gannet, 10 Common Scoter, nine Manx Shearwater, two Fulmar, two Great Crested Grebe and a Common Gull were offshore with passerines in the bushes including eight Cirl Bunting, seven Whitethroat and a Garden Warbler.

Saturday 23 July 2022

Saturday 23rd July

Offshore the first Balearic Shearwater of the autumn moved east with five Manx Shearwater ahead of rain, with 45 Gannet and 10 Common Scoter

Elsewhere the first Garden Warbler of the year was in Greenland Lake with 10 Blackcap, whilst a mobile tit flock included a Treecreeper, 25 Blue and 19 Long-tailed Tit.

Counts from the estuary included 377 Oystercatcher, 374 Curlew, 202 Redshank, 45 Sandwich and a Common Tern, 40 Whimbrel, 25 Mediterranean Gull, 17 Dunlin, 15 Ringed Plover, seven Greenshank, five Turnstone and four Bar-tailed Godwit with 51 Sanderling and three Common Sandpiper on the beach.

Wildlife News: The overcast weather and occasional light shower reduced insect activity, although a new fly for the Warren was discovered, the larvae nicely sheltered in a gall, Wild Carrot Gall Midge Kiefferia pericarpilcola.

Kiefferia pericarpilcola - Alan Keatley

A few more hoverflies, in so-far a poor year, included a couple of Marmalade Episyrphus balteatus and Tiger Helophilus pendulus along with Bumblebee Blacklet Cheilosia illustrataCommon Paragus P. haemorrhousCommon Twist-tail Sphaerophoria scripta, Furry Dronefly Eristalis intricaria and Slender Melanostoma M.scalare

Large Sharp-tail Bee Coelioxys conoidea - Alan Keatley

The dull weather hit the butterflies with only Gatekeeper in any numbers but a day-flying Jersey Tiger was noted. Late news of a Clouded Yellow yesterday. Offshore flat conditions allowed for sightings of  Harbour Porpoise, Bottle-nosed and Common Dolphin.

Thursday 21 July 2022

Thursday 21st July

At least 75 Sandwich Tern were around the estuary with 31 Sanderling, all adult, on the beach, two Common Sandpiper at Langstone Rock and eight Sand Martin overhead. 

Dunlin (front) and Sanderling - Alan Keatley

Wildlife News: Eight Small Red-eyed Damselfly were on the Main Pond with three Emperor and a Common Darter.

Black-thighed Epeolus E. variegatus - Alan Keatley

Tuesday 19 July 2022

Tuesday 19th July

Wader counts from the estuary included 277 Curlew, 117 Redshank, 36 Dunlin, seven Black and a Bar-tailed Godwit, six Ringed Plover, five Whimbrel, four Sanderling, two Knot and a Turnstone.

Also present a juvenile Yellow-legged Gull, 316 Black-headed and 10 Mediterranean Gull, 140 Sandwich and a Common Tern.

Monday 18 July 2022

Monday 18th July

Counts from the estuary included c180 Sandwich Tern, 170 Redshank, c50 Mediterranean Gull, 13 Dunlin, five Bar-tailed Godwit with the Curlew and Whimbrel, four Ringed Plover, two Knot, a Common Sandpiper and a Common Tern.

Ringing News: Four Sandwich Tern from the same Welsh scheme were present this morning, including Red KDB, rung in Sep 2015 it has been recorded annually here since 2016, with a couple of recoveries from Namibia in between.

Wildlife News: Overnight light trapping saw a total of 330 moths of 120 species in just three hours before 2am. The only recognised migrants were four Diamond-back, two Rush Veneer and a Four-spotted Footman, but no less than 10 new species for the Warren were recorded. 

Pine Hawkmoth - Kevin Rylands

Barred Hook-tip - Luke Harman

These fell into four neat categories; definite wanderers, Barred Hook-tip and Pine Hawkmoth; possible new residents, Barred Rivulet and Fen Wainscot.

Barred Rivulet - Luke Harman

Fen Wainscot - Luke Harman

Likely overlooked residents, Cherry-bark Moth Enarmonia formosana, Hawthorn Ermine Paraswammerdamia nebulella and Sallow Button Acleris hastiana; and establishing European species, Box-tree Moth Cydalima perspectalis, Dark-bordered Pearl Evergestis limbata and Southern Bell Crocidosema plebejana.

Box-tree Moth - Luke Harman

Swallow-tailed Moth - Kevin Rylands

Other highlights included the first Jersey Tiger of the year, Archer's DartPlain PugSallow Kitten, Swallow-tailed MothVapourer, Hook-tipped Grass-veneer Platytes alpinella, Little Slender Calybites phasianipennella and White-foot Bell Epiblema foenella.

White-foot Bell - Luke Harman

Hook-tipped Grass-veneer - Kevin Rylands

Little Slender - Kevin Rylands

Sunday 17 July 2022

Sunday 17th July

Counts from the estuary included 201 Sandwich Tern (at least 53 juv), 152 Redshank (including first juv), 75 Mediterranean Gull (21 ad, 50 juv, two 1s & two 2s 2), 13 Dunlin (one juv), eight Greenshank, six Whimbrel, four Bar-tailed Godwit, four Common Tern, two Knot and a Turnstone

Other records included two juvenile Yellow-legged Gull over the Bight, seven Common Scoter and two Shelduck offshore with a young Peregrine around the amusements early morning, the latter presumably attracted by the loop of continuously playing calls.

Wildlife News: Early morning out to sea at least 25+ Common and three Bottle-nosed Dolphin.

Saturday 16 July 2022

Saturday 16th July

Further arrivals in the estuary with counts of 184 Sandwich Tern (53 juv), 102 Mediterranean Gull (64 juv, 18 ad, 11 1s, eight 2s & a 3s), 293 Curlew, 127 Redshank, 14 Dunlin, 11 Whimbrel, six Greenshank, five Bar-tailed Godwit, three Common Tern, three Sanderling and single Ringed Plover, Knot and Turnstone.

Elsewhere 10 Gannet and eight Common Scoter were offshore and two Common Sandpiper were on the seawall. A juvenile Green Woodpecker was in the Entrance Bushes but aside from at least two singing Cirl Bunting little was active during the heat of the day

Wildlife News: At least two male Roesel's Bush-cricket in Greenland Lake, suggest this species has gained a foothold on site. A good total of eight dragonfly species were recorded including Black-tailed Skimmer, Golden-ringed Dragonfly and Small Red-eyed Damselfly. With the lack of lily pads this year, the latter are having to improvise and are therefore coming closer to the viewing platform.

Small Red-eyed Damselfy - Alan Keatley

Common Darter - Alan Keatley

Broad-bodied Chaser - Alan Keatley

Bees noted included Common and Green Furrow Bee, Silvery and Coastal Leafcutter, Shiny-vented Sharp-tail and Small Shaggy Bee. Several Honey Bee were seen being carried to Beewolf burrows, and the shieldbug wasp Astata boops was watched defending its territory.

Flies included the nationally scarce Tessellated Satellite Fly Miltogramma germari and Batman Hoverfly Myathropa florea, Bumblebee Blacket Cheilosia illustrata, Common Tubetail Sphaerophoria scripta and Superb Ant-hill Hoverfly Xanthogramma pedissequum

Friday 15 July 2022

Friday 15th July

A quick visit over the evening tide saw counts of 336 Curlew, 93+ Sandwich Tern, 25 Mediterranean Gull in the Bight (15 ad, two sw, two fw, six juv), six Sanderling, four Bar-tailed Godwit, three Whimbrel, a Dunlin, a Ringed Plover, a Greenshank and a summer plumaged Knot.

Ringing News: A metal ringed Common Gull was a returning bird ringed as a pullus in Holland in 2008. It was recorded here in July 2011, 2013 & 2015, the recent lack of records is probably due to the fact it has lost a Darvic ring. 

Sandwich Tern Red KJB was also present this evening, another bird showing great site fidelity to the Warren. This was ringed as a juvenile at a high tide roost at Ynyslas, Ceredigion in August 2018 and was present here in Aug 2018, Sep 2019 & Jul-Sep 2020.

Thursday 14 July 2022

Thursday 14th July

An unexpected highlight came in the form of three Tufted Duck that where picked up by the sound of their whirring wings as they flew low over the golf course. They then circled Shutterton Creek and headed back out to sea. This is just the fifth July record since 2000. 

Birds in the estuary included a minimum count of 103 Sandwich Tern, 70+ Mediterranean Gull, 228 Curlew, 23 Dunlin, seven Common Tern, seven Greenshank, seven Whimbrel, four Bar and two Black-tailed Godwit, four Common Sandpiper, a summer plumaged Knot, a Sanderling and the first returning Snipe.
Elsewhere 750 Herring Gull and a Great Crested Grebe were offshore and two Sand Martin.

Wildlife News: The hot temperatures and gusting wind limited insect activity during the middle of the day, but good numbers of hymenoptera were active including Green-eyed Flower Bee, Coastal and Silvery Leafcutter, Red-banded Sand Wasp Ammophila sabulosa, Silver Spiny Digger Wasp Oxybelus argentatus and dozens of the caterpillar-targeting ichnuemon Black Slip Wasp Pimpla rufipes.

Targeting the bees, Ferruginous Sicus ferrugineusFour-banded Conops quadrifasciatus and Waisted Beegrabber Physocephala rufipes.

Waisted Beegrabber - Alan Keatley

Hoverfly numbers remain worryingly low although there was an influx of Common Tubetail Sphaerophoria scripta and with them an early Locust Blowfly Stomorhina lunata, this Mediterranean vagrant usually occurs in Sep-Oct. 

Locust Blowfly (male) - Alan Keatley

Elsewhere an 11-spot Ladybird was in the Bight, at least six Small Red-eyed Damselfly and two male Black-tailed Skimmer were at the Main Pond, seven Brown Argus on Warren Point were the pick of 11 butterfly species, a dozen Asparagus Beetle there on a single plant, and a Silver Y was flushed from Greenland Lake along with several Long-legged Tabby Synaphe punctalis.

11-spot Ladybird - Alan Keatley

Asparagus Beetle - Alan Keatley

Black-tailed Skimmer (male) - Alan Keatley

Wednesday 13 July 2022

Wednesday 13th July

Both tides were covered with the first juvenile Yellow-legged Gull and two Teal of the autumn in the Bight this evening. Counts included 190+ Curlew, 76 Black-headed, 60+ Mediterranean and an adult Common Gull, 76 Sandwich Tern including 29 juveniles, 73 Redshank, 10 Whimbrel, four Dunlin, four Greenshank, three Bar-tailed Godwit, two Common Tern (ad + juv) and a Ringed Plover.

Mediterranean Gull (juv) - Dave Jewell

Mediterranean Gull (ad) - Dave Jewell

Elsewhere the first Grey Wagtail of the autumn flew over early morning.

Ringing News: Several new returning Oystercatcher were present along with a new Scottish ringed bird. The highlight was a South African ringed Sandwich Tern, ringed in 2007 it was also recorded here in 2019 and 2020. 

Sandwich Tern - Lee Collins

Wildlife News: A Wall butterfly was the welcome first for the year, this species continues to hang on on site.

Wall - Lee Collins

Monday 11 July 2022

Monday 11th July

Records from the Bight over the evening tide included 68+ Sandwich and two Common Tern, 11 Dunlin, two Ringed Plover and two Whimbrel. Elsewhere 80 Starling were on Warren Point with a Sand Martin feeding over the saltmarsh with a fresh brood of Swallow.

Wildlife News: At least four Purple Hairstreak were on oaks on the Golf Course, the first record since 2019 of this elusive resident. 

Sea Club-rush - Kevin Rylands

Sunday 10 July 2022

Sunday 10th July

The monthly WEBS count saw 228 Curlew, 224 Oystercatcher, 74 Sandwich Tern, 60 Redshank, at least 33 Mediterranean Gull, five Greenshank, three Dunlin and single Bar-tailed Godwit, Whimbrel and Shelduck. Elsewhere a family of Reed Warbler were in the Buffer Zone.

Wildlife News: Another sunny day saw good numbers of solitary bees including Shiny-vented Sharp-tail along with its host Patchwork Leafcutter towards Langstone Rock. Also on the wing White-zoned and Green Furrow Bee, Hairy Yellow-faced Bee, Large Shaggy Bee, Green-eyed Flower Bee, Hairy-saddled Colletes, Yellow-legged and Sandpit Mining Bee, plus a mass of Silvery Leafcutter with some Coastal Leafcutter.

Six-spot Burnet - Alan Keatley

Also recorded today Four-banded Beegrabber Conops quadrifasciatus, Silver Spiny Digger Wasp Oxybelus argentatus and more Beewolf, this time at Langstone Rock and on Warren Point.

Beewolf - Alan Keatley

At least 14 species of butterfly were seen with the first second brood Brown Argus on Warren Point as well as single Painted Lady and Marbled White. Dragonflies included Common Darter and a Golden-ringed Dragonfly.

Brown Argus - Alan Keatley

Saturday 9 July 2022

Saturday 9th July

The highlight was the first Coal Tit of the year in the Entrance Bushes, with the first three autumn Sand Martin through. Other species are still breeding with family parties of Blackcap, Chiffchaff, Reed Warbler and Whitethroat.

There was more movement in the estuary with minimum counts of 53 Sandwich Tern, including a high percentage of 13 juveniles, and 48 Mediterranean Gull including at least five juveniles. Also in the Bight a single Common Tern, a first summer Common Gull and an adult Kittiwake.

Waders counts over the afternoon tide included 248 Curlew, 228 Oystercatcher, 41 Redshank, six Whimbrel, five Dunlin, four Ringed Plover, four Bar-tailed Godwit, four Greenshank and a Common Sandpiper.

Wildlife News: The hot weather saw lots of hyperactive insect activity, with many sheltering during the heat of the afternoon. Dragonflies put on a good showing with seven species seen. The highlight were three Black-tailed Skimmer, including a pair were seen mating at the Main Pond, the species last bred here in 2009 and this is the first multiple count since July 2013. Other species included the first Common Darter of the year, a Golden-ringed Dragonfly along the Dune Ridge and at least two Small Red-eyed Damselfly at the Main Pond.

Black-tailed Skimmer - Lee Collins

Also a good total of 16 butterfly species were on the wing including a Marbled White along the Dune Ridge and hundreds of Gatekeeper, along with Comma, Holly Blue, Red Admiral and Ringlet. The daily tally should have been 17 but a probable Purple Hairstreak on the Golf Course would not show. Good numbers of Six-spot Burnet were around Greenland Lake and the first adult Brown-tail moth was on Warren Point.

Ringlet - Dave Jewell

Also recorded today a Sand Lizard on Warren Point, a large aggregation of nesting Beewolf on the Golf Course, a Patchwork Leafcutter hid amongst dozens of Coastal and Silvery LeafcutterBatman, Hornet and Large Pied Hoverfly were on the wing and large numbers of Marsh Helleborine in flower.

Thursday 7 July 2022

Thursday 7th July

At least 15 Sandwich Tern and 10+ Mediterranean Gull were around the estuary, a family of Reed Warbler were in Dead Dolphin Wood and a Hobby was reported through early morning with a large passage of 'hundreds' of Swift

Wildlife News: The increasing temperatures saw a good number of insects on the wing, although the drought conditions have seen many plants already finish flowering. A significant emergence of Heather Beetle has also damaged much of the Heather reducing an important late nectar source.

Of the many pollinators noted a Small Shaggy Bee Panurgus calcaratus was new for the Recording Area, this is a scarce, largely coastal, species in the SW and the 68th bee species seen at the Warren.

Small Shaggy Bee - Alan Keatley

Other bees on the wing include Large Sharp-tailed Bee Coelioxys conoidea patrolling Silvery Leafcutter Megachile leachella nests, Coastal Leafcutter Megachile maritima, Green-eyed Flower Bee Anthophora bimaculata, Pantaloon Bee Dasypoda hirtipes, the summer generation of Short-fringed Mining Bee Andrena dorsata and a Large Shaggy Bee Panurgus banksianus.

Amongst the wasps, the smart White-striped Darwin Wasp Ichneumon sarcitorius, with other species also making a first appearance of the year including Mournful Wasp Pemphredon lugubris, Four-banded Digger Wasp Gorytes quadrifasciatus and the digger wasp Crossocerus quadrimaculatus.

White-striped Darwin Wasp - Alan Keatley

Tuesday 5 July 2022

Tuesday 5th July

Counts from the estuary included 148 Black-headed and 30+ Mediterranean Gull, 32 Redshank, 21 Sandwich (four juvs) and four Common Tern, two Dunlin and two Greenshank

Elsewhere seven Common Sandpiper were on the beach and 50+ Swift were feeding overhead.

Wildlife News: A Roesel's Bush-cricket was discovered by a school group in the Back Meadow, just the third site record, closely following the second last September. The first Small Red-eyed Damselfly of the year were at the Main Pond, Six-spot Burnet were buzzing around Greenland Lake and 12 species of butterfly were on the wing including Ringlet, Gatekeeper, Comma and Red Admiral

Gatekeeper - Dean Hall

Blue-tailed Damselfly - Dean Hall

Monday 4 July 2022

Monday 4th July

The first three juvenile Sandwich Tern were present with 12 other birds over high tide along with four adult Mediterranean Gull and a Whimbrel. Elsewhere Cirl Bunting still in song in Greenland Lake, six Swift feeding over the Main Pond and 10 Common Scoter offshore.

Sandwich Tern - Dean Hall

Mediterranean Gull - Dean Hall

Saturday 2 July 2022

Saturday 2nd July

In the estuary an increase to 19 Mediterranean Gull (11 ad, two 2s, five 1s and the first juvenile), also present 12 Sandwich Tern and six Little Egret. Elsewhere 11 Manx Shearwater were offshore and four Swift and two Peregrine were overhead. 

Wildlife News: Marbled White and Ringlet were the pick of the few insects on the wing in overcast and breezy conditions.

Ringing News: A Dunlin ringed here on 8 Oct 2021 and still present on 1 Nov 2021 has been resighted in northern Iceland. A schizni race, which should have been wintering in West Africa. A late migrant, as it was not seen subsequently on site.

Friday 1 July 2022

Friday 1st July

The year's first Treecreeper, presumably a dispersing juvenile, was by the Main Pond, with a juvenile Green Woodpecker on site and, overhead, 38 Swift

In the estuary 152 Black-headed and 11 Mediterranean Gull (10 ad & a 2s), six Sandwich and a Common Tern and two Greenshank.

Wildlife News: A large number of Common Toadlets were again obvious underfoot, many falling prey to the resident Pheasant. On the Golf Course two new areas for the nationally scare Dodder were located.

Dodder - Kevin Rylands

Despite the breezy and overcast conditions, no less than 10 new species for the Recording Area were discovered including Alder Signal Stathmopoda pedella and the leafmine of Brown Oak Slender Acrocercops brongniardella, leafmines of the flea weevils Orchestes hortorum and O.quercus, the caddisfly Limnephilus lunatus and the leafhopper Typhlocyba quercus.

Alder Signal - Kevin Rylands

Brown Oak Slender - Kevin Rylands

Orchestes quercus - Kevin Rylands