Sunday 23 October 2022

Sunday 23rd October

A total of 85 species were recorded today despite a lack of noticeable passerine migration, the lone exception being a fem/imm Black Redstart briefly around the Go-karts before being seen off by a persistent Robin. Elsewhere on site, 45 Greenfinch, 12 Chiffchaff, four Goldcrest and a Blackcap with a Cetti's Warbler still at the Main Pond and at least one Dartford Warbler on the Golf Course.

Seawatching first thing revealed a steady southerly passage of 260 Gannet along with two Balearic and a Sooty Shearwater, 11 Mediterranean Gull and three Sandwich Tern. All passage dried up just before 9 am with the fem/imm Eider, 12 Common Scoter and a summer plumaged Red-throated Diver also offshore.

In the estuary the Spotted Redshank was again present with counts of 1120 Wigeon, 364 Teal, 291 Dark-bellied Brent Geese, including 53 juveniles, a high count of 209 Black-tailed Godwit, presumably displaced by flood water upriver, 110 Dunlin, 48 Turnstone, 39 Ringed Plover, 33 Sanderling, 29 Shelduck, 19 Snipe, 14 Greenshank and single Little Grebe, Knot and Pintail.

Little movement overhead with two Rook west and a few Skylark in various directions, three Sparrowhawk west in close succession early afternoon and a Great White Egret SW within a flock of five Grey Heron late afternoon.

Wildlife News: The central part of the day was sufficiently warm and sunny to see four Common Darter and three Red Admiral and a Small Copper on the wing. Over 40 Rush Veneer and a couple of Rusty-dot Pearl were flushed around site and a Vestal was on the greenkeeper's shed, with a female Dark Bush-cricket on the clubhouse.

Vestal - Kevin Rylands

A further foray on the Golf Course added four new fungi to the Recording Area taxa, Mauve Bonnet Mycena meliigena on sallow, Tawny Lactarius fulvissimus and Oakbug Milkcap L. quietus under oak and the striking but invasive alien Orange Ping-pong Bat Favolaschia calocera on dead gorse. 

Mycena meliigena - Kevin Rylands

Orange Ping Pong Bat (underside) - Kevin Rylands

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