Wednesday 22 May 2024

Wednesday 22nd May

Continuing wader migration with good counts on both tides, the peaks in the evening after a day of showers. Counts included 188 Dunlin, 120 Sanderling, 39 Ringed Plover, 15 Bar-tailed Godwit, seven Turnstone and a Knot. Also in the estuary the usual five Eider

Offshore 60 Manx Shearwater headed W during the evening, with a Great Skua, four Great Northern Diver and five Sandwich Tern. A 2cy Mediterranean Gull was offshore earlier in the day. 

Peregrine - Dave Jewell This immature male continues to make occasional visits to The Bight at high tide.

Other Wildlife: The highlight was a Risso's Dolphin offshore early morning, lingering for a while before heading south. The first for the Recording Area and presumably the individual recently off Berry Head.

Risso's Dolphin - David Flack

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