Sunday 10 April 2016

Sunday 10th April

A storm force ESE that persisted all day with spring tides whipped up a sandstorm, removed areas of beach and made for exceptionally difficult birding conditions, but the indelible memory of today will be the site's 100th Kentish PloverIt was present all day until dusk though did hide for 3 hours. 

Despite all this, most waders again roosted on Warren Point with 205 Oystercatcher, 40+ Curlew, five Whimbrel, three Ringed Plover, two Dunlin and a Grey Plover.  

The estuary became a refuge with a total of 78 Pale-bellied Brent Goose as flocks in off through the morning, also 37 Sandwich Tern, 3 Arctic Tern and a Common Tern. Seabird passage was very light with barely double figures of the regular species, highlights were a sub-adult Pomarine Skua early morning, also a dozen Manx Shearwater, two diver sp and a Great Skua.

Hobby reported over the Visitor Centre would be the earliest ever record, beating one from 1953 by over a week. A Peregrine stood in The Bight at dusk sported a green colour-ring and a metal ring; details are being sought.

Kentish Plover - Lee Collins

Kentish Plover - Dave Jewell

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