Ringed Plover - Lee Collins
The bird was also fitted with a datalogger to study the transatlantic migration of Ringed Plovers between the Canadian Arctic and Africa. The first results from other dataloggers indicates that on their way south the plovers make a stop in southwestern Greenland. Then, they cross the Atlantic Ocean in about 2-3 days before reaching Western Europe (usually Western UK/Ireland or France). The wintering grounds are in Western Africa (Mauritania, Senegal, Guinea, etc.). The way back to the breeding ground is similar, usually with a prolonged stay in UK/Ireland. Thanks to Don-Jean Léandri-Breton for this information.
Dufour River, Bylot Island
Base camp, Dufour River, Bylot Island
Canadian Ringed Plover, its actual nest
Another colour-ringed Bylot Island Ringed Plover was photographed at Ferrybridge on 22nd August 2014 http://portlandbirdobs.blogspot.co.uk/2014/09/2nd-september.html