Monday 26 February 2024

Monday 26th February

Counts from the estuary included 600+ Dunlin, 354 Dark-bellied Brent Geese, c190 Black-tailed Godwit, 92 Curlew, 63 Redshank, 22 Sanderling, 22 Teal, 18 Ringed and 10 Grey Plover, just 14 Oystercatcher at mid tide, with only singles over high tide, the nine Eider, eight Red-breasted Merganser and a pair of Pintail.

Elsewhere just two Siskin noted in the scrub in the cold NE wind, with four Shoveler on the Main Pond and single Red-throated Diver and Common Scoter offshore.

Other Wildlife: Numerous Aphodius dung beetles were blown off the Dune Ridge and swept along the beach in the strong sand-blasting NE wind. Amongst them were the red dung beetle Aphodius fimetarius.

Aphodius fimetarius - Alan Keatley
It was a spider that stole the show with the nationally rare Bleeding-heart Spider Nigma puella, plus a Tibellus species, most likely T. oblongus.

Tibellus maritimus - Alan Keatley

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