Friday 30 August 2024

Friday 30th August

The first juvenile Little Stint of the autumn was in The Bight on the evening high tide, joining the three juvenile Curlew Sandpiper amongst 203 Dunlin and 196 Ringed Plover. A fourth Curlew Sandpiper, an adult, was on the beach with Sanderling.

Little Stint - Lee Collins

Curlew Sandpiper - Lee Collins

Other counts from the estuary included 260 Redshank, 53 Curlew, 22 Sandwich and six Common Tern, 18 Sanderling, 13 Mediterranean and the first juvenile Common Gull, 10 Greenshank, seven Knot, the six Eider, six Bar-tailed Godwit, four Turnstone and, on Bull Hill, four Pale-bellied Brent Geese.

Early morning 76 Gannet flew SW during a 1 hour seawatch, with seven Common Scoter, five Arctic Skua and a Great Northern Diver also offshore. Late evening in millpond conditions eight Arctic Skua, the Black-throated and seven Great Northern Diver were offshore with eight Balearic and three Manx Shearwater heading W. 

Elsewhere there was no sign of the Wryneck but the year's first Whinchat was in its place with other migrants including 11 Chiffchaff, three Whitethroat, two Yellow Wagtail and a Reed Warbler

A juvenile Osprey was over Shutterton Creek before flying S over the visitor centre and out to sea, arriving on the Teign Estuary soon after. Also overhead two Grey Heron high S, two Grey Wagtail, two Rook, two House and a Sand Martin.

Year list addition

167. Whinchat

Other Wildlife: In ideal conditions offshore three Harbour Porpoise, three Bottle-nosed and at least one Common Dolphin. A Wall Brown was the stand out of the few butterflies on the wing. 

Buff-tip - Kevin Rylands

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