Although it was a low high tide waders did gather with counts of 136 Ringed Plover, 71 Dunlin, seven Turnstone, six Bar-tailed Godwit, six Sanderling and three Knot from The Bight.
Elsewhere 12 Common Scoter were offshore and a lone Balearic Shearwater went south on an otherwise uneventful seawatch mid-morning.
Other Wildlife: After a grey morning, it brightened up in the afternoon, encouraging insects to appear in the flower meadows, with Ragwort, Fleabane and Water Mint the main attractions.
A welcome variety of species included several additions to the annual audit including Kite-tailed Robberfly Tolmerus atricapillus, Ragwort Blacklet Cheilosia bergenstammi and Field Digger Wasp Mellinus arvensis.
Kite-tailed Robberfly Tolmerus atricapillus - Alan Keatley |
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Ragwort Blacklet Cheilosia bergenstammi - Alan Keatley |
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Field Digger Wasp Mellinus arvensis - Alan Keatley |
Migrants included the hoverflies; White-clubbed Glasswing Scaeva pyrastri, Large Tiger Hoverfly Helophilus trivittatus and Marmalade Hoverfly Episyrphus balteatus, as well as the moth, Rush Veneer and a Golden-ringed Dragonfly.
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White-clubbed Glasswing Scaeva pyrastri - Alan Keatley |
Bee-wolf Philanthus triangulum - Alan Keatley |
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Speckled Bush-cricket - Alan Keatley |
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