Tuesday 22 October 2024

Tuesday 22nd October

There was a noticeable Woodpigeon passage in the first couple of hours, with at least 1300 noted, despite little time spent watching the sky, also overhead 40 Jackdaw and a few Stock Dove.

Elsewhere 260 Curlew197 Dark-bellied Brent Geese22 Bar-tailed Godwit and two Sandwich Tern were around the Bight with three Chiffchaff on site.

Other Wildlife: Fewer insects on the wing despite the warm conditions, but one was a new cranefly for the Recording Area by the Main Pond, Achyrolimonia decemmaculata, a widespread species of wetter areas.

Achyrolimonia decemmaculata - Alan Keatley

Out on Warren Point insects included the darkling beetle Nalassus laeviotostriatus and the ground beetle Calathus melanocephalus, with interesting fungi including Hairy Parachute Crinipellis scabella

Hairy Parachute Crinipellis scabella - Alan Keatley

Nalassus laeviotostriatus - Alan Keatley

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