Wednesday 16 October 2024

Wednesday 16th October

The immature Merlin was again around Bight early morning, unsuccessfully chasing a Kingfisher which evaded capture by repeatedly dropping into the water and flying amongst swimming wildfowl. 

Counts from the morning high tide included 357 Curlew28 Bar-tailed Godwit87 Dunlin74 Great Black-backed and three Mediterranean Gull, the seven Eiderfour Pale-bellied Brent Geese, four Sanderling, threes of Grey Plover, Knot and Sandwich Tern and a female Pintail.

Other records included 10 Meadow Pipit and a Chaffinch in the dunes, a flock of 11 Cattle Egret that flew in from the north before foraging for a while on the Golf Course and a Spoonbill was on Bull Hill, a 2cy/ad so different to yesterday's bird. 

Other Wildlife: A Vestal, two Rush Veneer and a Rusty-dot Pearl were flushed from the wet vegetation.

Vestal - Kevin Rylands

Rusty-dot Pearl - Kevin Rylands

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