Tuesday 8 October 2024

Tuesday 8th October

The Long-billed Dowitcher remains in the estuary, flying to the Bight with Redshank when disturbed by strong winds and heavy showers. They all returned to the saltmarsh (no general access) when the weather cleared. Closer views revealing the extent of moult since its arrival on 13 September

Long-billed Dowitcher - Alan Keatley

Also in the estuary 83 Dark and a Pale-bellied Brent Geese, 82 Shelduck64 Dunlin60 Ringed Plover46 Turnstone18 Greenshank12 Sandwich Tern, four Sanderling and a Whimbrel

The female Eider was again on Finger Point with six birds offshore, an eclipse male and presumed returning the three male and two females. Elsewhere nine Swallow flew through and four Chiffchaff were on site.

Other Wildlife: The weather also affected the few insects that were about, including a Hairy-backed Boxhead Wasp Crossocerus megacephalus in a torpid state on an evening primrose. The flight period is normally to September, so this record is particularly late.

Hairy-backed Boxhead Wasp Crossocerus megacephalus - Alan Keatley

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