Friday 13 September 2024

Friday 13th September

The highlight was a moulting adult Long-billed Dowitcher in estuary corner, the second site record of this transatlantic vagrant after one in Oct 2019. Found on the rising tide it remained until 17.30 before flying off high south. Many thanks to Warren Golf Club for allowing access to local birders.

Long-billed Dowitcher - Lee Collins

Long-billed Dowitcher - Kevin Rylands

Also in the estuary corner two Spotted Redshank, with a new moulting juvenile, 261 Redshank98 Teal76 Curlew14 Greenshank, five Whimbrel, four Mediterranean Gulltwo Bar-tailed Godwit and a Kingfisher. Around The Bight, 63 Ringed Plover41 Dunlin37 Sandwich and three Common Tern, two Sanderling and two Turnstone.

Elsewhere a noticeable fall of 24 Chiffchaff but otherwise just three Blackcap, two Wheatear and a Reed Warbler were on site with four Grey Wagtail and Meadow Pipit, two Rook and single Buzzard and Snipe. Single Kingfisher were also at Langstone Rock and the Main Pond.

Year list addition:

170. Long-billed Dowitcher

Other Wildlife: At least six Red Admiral flew west. 

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