A low high tide saw lower numbers of waders around The Bight and estuary with counts including 236 Redshank, 75 Curlew, 71 Teal, 65 Dunlin, 53 Ringed Plover, 14 Greenshank, four Bar-tailed Godwit, four Turnstone, two Whimbrel and a Knot.
Elsewhere migrants included 13 Chiffchaff, including some in song, four Blackcap, two Yellow Wagtail, a Wheatear, a Whitethroat and a Grey Wagtail on the Main Pond. A few Meadow Pipit and hirundines were heard overhead, but a heavy belt of rain brought a mixed flock of 50 House Martin and Swallow down low enough to be seen, a Buzzard also flew low east, driven down by the same shower.
Other Wildlife: A good population of Fig-leaf Skeletoniser Choreutis nemorana was discovered on the planted Fig by the go-kart track, the first wild Devon record, following some in Plymouth garden centre, imported on plants from Italy last month.
Fig-leaf Skeletoniser Choreutis nemorana - Kevin Rylands |
Feeding signs of Fig-leaf Skeletoniser Choreutis nemorana - Kevin Rylands |
Between the showers good numbers of insects were on the wing including two fresh Comma, four Painted Lady and a Red Admiral along with a Pale-knobbed Didea D. fasciata, one of a dozen species of hoverfly recorded. Ivy Bee numbers continue to increase, with the first Ivy flowers starting to open.
Comma - Alan Keatley |
Pale-knobbed Didea D. fasciata - Kevin Rylands |
Painted Lady - Alan Keatley |
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