Thursday 12 September 2024

Thursday 12th September

A low high tide saw lower numbers of waders around The Bight and estuary with counts including 236 Redshank75 Curlew71 Teal, 6Dunlin53 Ringed Plover14 Greenshank, four Bar-tailed Godwit, four Turnstone, two Whimbrel and a Knot.

Elsewhere migrants included 13 Chiffchaff, including some in song, four Blackcap, two Yellow Wagtail, a Wheatear, a Whitethroat and a Grey Wagtail on the Main Pond. A few Meadow Pipit and hirundines were heard overhead, but a heavy belt of rain brought a mixed flock of 50 House Martin and Swallow down low enough to be seen, a Buzzard also flew low east, driven down by the same shower.

Other Wildlife: A good population of Fig-leaf Skeletoniser Choreutis nemorana was discovered on the planted Fig by the go-kart track, the first wild Devon record, following some in Plymouth garden centre, imported on plants from Italy last month. 

Fig-leaf Skeletoniser Choreutis nemorana - Kevin Rylands

Feeding signs of Fig-leaf Skeletoniser Choreutis nemorana - Kevin Rylands

Between the showers good numbers of insects were on the wing including two fresh Comma, four Painted Lady and a Red Admiral along with a Pale-knobbed Didea D. fasciata, one of a dozen species of hoverfly recorded. Ivy Bee numbers continue to increase, with the first Ivy flowers starting to open.

Comma - Alan Keatley

Pale-knobbed Didea D. fasciata - Kevin Rylands

Painted Lady - Alan Keatley

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