Sunday 8 September 2024

Sunday 8th September

An overcast day but drier than forecast, in the morning at least. With a barely a breath of wind, the sea was mirror flat allowing six Great Northern Diver to be picked out on the surface, with four Balearic Shearwater and seven foraging Arctic Skua towards the distant horizon and a Kestrel in off from a long way south.

The wet weather saw a few new arrivals in the estuary, notably single Ruff and Green Sandpiper, with counts including 278 Redshank84 Dunlin58 Ringed and two Grey Plover56 Knot36 Sanderling24 Bar and three Black-tailed Godwit21 Greenshank, seven Whimbrel, three Turnstone and the Spotted Redshank

Greenshank - Lee Collins

Grey Plover - Lee Collins

Also present, the adult Spoonbill on the Railway Saltmarsh, minimum counts of 53 Sandwich50 Common and two Little Tern, 13 Mediterranean and a 1cy Yellow-legged Gull with wildfowl including 100 Teal88 Wigeon, six Eider, five Shoveler and the first Pintail of autumn. 

Elsewhere two juvenile Osprey flew S over The Bight, one at 11.10 carried on out to sea and one at 12.45, circled over the Dune Ridge before gaining height and continuing SW along the coast. Also overhead 55 House and four Sand Martin30 Swallow, three Rook, two Meadow Pipit and a Grey Wagtail. On site migrants included six Wheatear, a Whitethroat, a Reed Warbler and feeding flocks of 84 Linnet and 72 Goldfinch.

Other Wildlife: Three Common Dolphin were offshore and the Grey Squirrel was still in the Turkey Oaks on the Golf Course. 

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