Monday 2 September 2024

Monday 2nd September

A quiet seawatch for seabirds early morning but the first five Avocet of the autumn flew close in SW past seawall shortly followed by the first Shoveler. Three juvenile Curlew Sandpiper also flew in off the sea, later being present in The Bight. Also offshore an adult Little Gull, seven Great Northern Diver, seven Common Scoter and four Teal with a Common Sandpiper on the seawall.

A third Green Sandpiper of the year was in The Bight over the morning high tide, moving to estuary corner on the dropping tide. Also in the corner 289 Redshankeight Teal, seven Greenshankfive Wigeon and a Spotted Redshank.

Around The Bight, 351 Curlew340 Dunlin144 Ringed Plover38 Sanderling27 Common24 Sandwich and a juvenile Little Tern19 Mediterranean Gull14 Knot13 Bar and three Black-tailed Godwit, six Eider, three Common Sandpiper, two Turnstone and two Whimbrel.

Elsewhere the Wryneck was reported again at an undisclosed location on the Golf Course, with three Wheatear and single Spotted FlycatcherTreecreeperWhitethroat and Willow Warbler.

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