Wednesday 25 September 2024

Wednesday 25th September

The Long-billed Dowitcher remained in the estuary corner, eventually showing to a small group on the dropping after long, wet wait. Only visible from an area with no general access. 

Long-billed Dowitcher - Lee Collins

Also in the estuary a long-staying (20 minutes) Green Sandpiper, 321 Wigeon310 Teal124 Ringed Plover67 Turnstone, a significant increase, 66 Dunlin18 Sandwich Tern14 Greenshank, six Knot, five Shelduck, two Kingfishertwo Mediterranean Gull, two Whimbrel and single Black-tailed GodwitSnipe and Spotted RedshankA probable Garganey was in the estuary during the heaviest spell of rain but could not be relocated.

Elsewhere the site's first Ortolan Bunting flew over calling before the rain, six Balearic Shearwater, two skua sp, an Arctic Skua and a Red-throated Diver were offshore, 20 Swallow and a Sand Martin were also overhead and a flock of 10 Wheatear were around the Bight.

Year list addition:

174: Ortolan Bunting

Other Wildlife: Despite the conditions new insects for the year are still being found, an Ivy Wasp-grabber Leopoldius signatus was stalking Common Wasp Vespula vulgaris in the willows by the Main Pond and a Dark Swordgrass, a migrant moth, was almost underfoot at the dowitcher twitch. 

Ivy Wasp-grabber Leopoldius signatus - Alan Keatley

Twin-spot Centurion Sargus bipunctatus - Alan Keatley

More suiting the conditions, three ground beetle Oxypselaphus obscurus were under the same log in the Education Area.

Oxypselaphus obscurus - Alan Keatley

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