Wednesday 18 September 2024

Wednesday 18th September

The Long-billed Dowitcher was again in the estuary corner with Redshank around the high tides. Visible for around an hour on the dropping morning and rising evening tide. Only visible from an area with no general access, next viewing will be arranged, if the bird is still present, at the weekend.

Also in the estuary the first Cattle Egret of the year in the saltmarsh with 14 Little Egret, two adult Spoonbill, new birds, on Finger Point on the morning tide, one leaving north with a flock of four immatures that flew upriver, a site record count.

Cattle Egret - Lee Collins

Other records included 290 Redshank130+ Teal80+ Wigeon45 Dunlin31 Ringed Plover30 Knot21 Bar and a Black-tailed Godwit23 Sanderling14 Greenshank14 Pintail, six Eider, four Whimbrel, four Mediterranean Gull at least three Kingfisher, three Sandwich and two Common Tern, a Dark-bellied Brent Goose, an Osprey and a 1cy Little Gull flew out to sea mid morning.

Kingfisher - Lee Collins

Elsewhere a Sooty Shearwater flew east early morning, with a Hobbyfive Sand Martin and a Yellow Wagtail were overhead.

Year list addition:

172. Cattle Egret

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